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University of Washington

Grant Title: Excellence in Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Leadership Education: The Path to Brighter Futures for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and their Families

View University of Washington Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

John  F.  McLaughlin, MD
Clinical Training Unit
University of Washington CHDD Building, Room CD417 PO Box 357920 1959 NE Pacific St
Seattle, WA 98195-0001
(206) 685-1350
Email: jfmcl@u.washington.edu


The UW LEND project, interdisciplinary leadership training program for five states, expands partnerships with Title V, families, universities and HRSA/MCHB grantees to train generations of leaders who address the health care problems faced by children and youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Advance the knowledge and skills of the full range of child health professionals to improve health care delivery systems for children with developmental disabilities Objective 1: Continue to recruit and train 20 long-term trainees, each year 1-5 Objective 2: Expand the role of Health Administration (HA) faculty to mentor = 6 HA trainees and expand HA curriculum for all trainees, each year 1-5 Objective 3: Establish the UW LEND long-term leadership training program as an official UW Certificate Program Goal 2: Provide high-quality interdisciplinary education to health professionals emphasizing the integration of services, supported by state, local agencies, organizations, private providers and communit Objective 1: Continue to partner with Title V and other state MCH and regional (WWAMI -WA, WY, AK, MT, ID) programs to provide = 10 technical assistance activities, each year 1-5 Objective 2: Continue collaboration with the Pacific West LEND Consortium to develop educational programs that have regional and national significance, including one major continuing education activity, each year 1-5 Objective 3: Expand to provide = 2 ongoing continuing education activities within the WWAMI region that promote adolescent transition, medical homes, disaster preparedness and/or genetics across the lifespan, each year 1-5 Goal 3: Provide a wide range of health professionals with skills needed to foster a community-based partnership of health resources and community leadership Objective 1: Continue to provide long-term trainees with community-based and culturally-diverse clinical training experiences at =2 sites per trainee, each year 1-5 Objective 2: Expand long-term trainee off-site community-based public health systems or policy experiences to =1 trainee, each year 1-5 Objective 3: Expand medical home, adolescent health transition and genetics training, and add International Classification of Function (ICF) education, for all trainees to include =6 didactic and clinical activities, each year 1-5 Goal 4: Promote innovative practice models that enhance cultural competency, partnerships between disciplines, and family-centered approaches to care Objective 1: Continue to provide trainees with didactic and experiential curricula in family-centered and culturally-competent practices, including =3 training experiences, each year 1-5 Objective 2: Increase to =10 the number of community-based leadership practica opportunities representing innovative, family-centered, culturally-competent practices, available to all trainees, each year 1-5 Objective 3: Expand the Families-as-Mentors Program to all long-term trainees, each year 1-5 Goal 5: Promote relevant clinical and systems research to strengthen the evidence base regarding effective means of enhancing the lives of children and youth with NDRDs and other special health care needs Objective 1: Continue research training and mentoring for all long-term trainees (=4 didactic or practical research training experiences), each year 1-5 Objective 2: Expand training in evidence-based practice for long-term trainees, each year 1-5 Objective 3: Maintain and expand =4 collaborative research relationships with other interdisciplinary programs in relevant fields, each year 1-5


·Continue to support diverse core faculty and long-term trainees together with core curricular elements, clinical training, continuing education, technical assistance and research to support MCHB mission. ·Continue to partner with state Title V agencies, families, UW MCH Training Consortium, Pacific West LEND Consortium and others to achieve all performance measures and Healthy People 2010 goals. ·Expand Health Administration faculty and HA trainee role in the LEND program ·Expand family faculty and youth consumer participation in training. ·Expand Health administration training for all disciplines ·Expand training curriculum, continuing education and mentoring on medical home (including family-centered , culturally-competent, community-based, coordinated services), adolescent transition to adulthood and disaster preparedness. Include youth, families and health care professionals in the WWAMI region served by the UW. ·Incorporate ICF framework into curriculum, research and clinical services. ·Incorporate informatics and clinical epidemiology into curriculum, research and clinical services, including education on family counseling related to new screening initiatives ·Advance diversity efforts by expanding trainee recruitment, linking with regional cultural brokering efforts, expanding curricular offerings and providing additional clinical practica experiences ·Train on and utilize informatics such as telemedicine and internet to expand CE/TA and other outreach activities


1)Title V CYSCHN agencies in WWAMI:contracts, track performance measures, technical assistance (TA), dissemination 2)UW MCH training programs:public health, pediatric dentistry, pediatric pulmonary:curriculum, continuing education (CE), TA, leadership 3)Pacific West LEND programs in 6 Western states:curriculum, faculty & trainee exchange, CE, TA 4)Family-based organizations, local agencies:program support, curriculum, technical assistance, dissemination 5)Universities:research, continuing education


The Evaluation Plan, managed by the Training Director, reflects commitment to performance measurement that supports process improvement and assures accountability in achieving outcomes. Evaluation goals are to monitor and measure performance specific to the UW LEND and to assess achievements of MCHB national performance measures. The evaluation plan is a multi-faceted approach to measurement that accommodates the multiple and dynamic features of the UW LEND, and addresses all 28 objectives.