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University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities

View University of North Carolina School of Medicine Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Stephen  Hooper, PhD
Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning
1450 Raleigh Road, STE 100
Chapel Hill, NC 27517-8833
(919) 966-5171
Email: stephen.hooper@cdl.unc.edu


About 70% of counties in North Carolina are medically underserved. The number of professionals trained to work with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families is below national standards. Single-discipline models are inadequate to address these public health needs. 2.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Provide exemplary interdisciplinary leadership training to health care and related professionals who focus on prevention, early detection, assessment and management, and health promotion. Objective 1: Recruit at least 12 long-term trainees per year in the disciplines of Pediatrics, Psychology (2), Nursing, Special Education, Audiology, Speech and Language, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Health Administration, Nutrition, and Social Work. Objective 2: Provide advanced interdisciplinary clinical training to 15-20 intermediate-term trainees (150-299 hours) across all disciplines per year, and additional experiences for these trainees relevant to their individual needs. Objective 3: Recruit two full-time postdoctoral leadership trainees (Pediatrics, Psychology) with experiences outlined in the core curriculum, including on-site practica in the State Division of Public Health (e.g., Women’s and Children’s Section). Goal 2: Provide exemplary clinical and community-based interdisciplinary services which are family based and culturally appropriate, for populations with or at risk for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Objective 1: Maintain at least four interdisciplinary teams and programs on site at the CDL to facilitate demonstration of contemporary and exemplary diagnostic and treatment models within the framework of health care delivery and underserved populations. Objective 2: Provide model interdisciplinary diagnostic and intervention planning services in the CDL Clinic, Hospital/Dental School, and community for at least 2000 children and adolescents each year who are at risk for or have neurodevelopmental or related disabilities. Objective 3: Maintain interdisciplinary relationships with at least 25 interdisciplinary community-based programs, particularly state Title V Programs, in order to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and clinical consultation to programs serving individuals with developmental disabilities. Goal 3: Provide continuing education that fosters achievement of family-centered, coordinated care and improves systems-of-care and advocacy skills for populations with neurodevelopmental disorders. Objective 1: Collaborate with other LEND and UCEDD programs and their trainees, especially UCEDD programs in states without LEND Programs, to offer at least one national or regional continuing education program each year. Objective 2: In close collaboration with the North Carolina Title V Program, and in concert with state Title V Block Grant objectives, conduct one statewide continuing education program annually for practicing health professionals. Objective 3: Present a minimum of 30 seminars, workshops, and institutes to be attended collectively by at least 3,000 professionals annually in response to requests from national and international professional associations, state and community agencies, and parent advocacy groups. Goal 4: Provide TA to Title V and other local, state, and national partners to improve community-based services and supports for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families. Objective 1: Provide a minimum of 500 hours of technical assistance/consultation to state and national Title V and other MCH-related partners annually by serving on task forces, committees, policy forums, and work groups. Objective 2: Provide a minimum of 500 hours of TA to teachers, special educators, school administrators, and related educational personnel with respect to the development of a knowledge base for working with children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders in the school setting. Objective 3: Continue collaboration with NC Title V personnel via established regular quarterly meetings to discuss ongoing collaborative issues and mechanisms. Goal 5: Provide leadership experiences related to the application and dissemination of research findings into community programs and the larger arena of population-based services and infrastructure building. Objective 1: Provide a monthly research presentation in the form of a CDL-sponsored Grand Rounds. Objective 2: Provide 1-2 funded research awards per year to long-term trainees from the CDL Thomas Watson Research Fund. Objective 3: LEND faculty and trainees will produce a minimum of 25 peer reviewed journal articles, books, chapters, or educational products each year that are relevant, evidence-based, or tied to emerging health related issues pertaining to individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families.


To accomplish these goals and objectives, we have evolved a comprehensive, competency-based interdisciplinary training curriculum that consists of didactic and clinical/community components. Trainees are mentored by faculty advisors in developing their individual Interdisciplinary Training Activity Plan, with follow-up evaluation at least 3 times per year. An innovative leadership training model and on-line cultural competency training curriculum are employed. NC-LEND faculty also will engage in technical assistance, continuing education, and research activities, particularly as these activities may influence systems and policy change. All of these leadership activities have been designed to be cultural competent, family-based, and population-oriented.


The NC-LEND Training Program activities are closely coordinated with medical school departments (Allied Health Sciences), university departments (Department of Maternal and Child Health), and nearly every major division in the North Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services, particularly our Division of Public Health and Title V agencies. This strong coordination facilitates our interdisciplinary training, technical assistance, and continuing education initiatives.


Using the logic model, the evaluation components pertain to (1) trainee progress in the competency-based curriculum, (2) curriculum needs, (3) technical assistance activities, (4) continuing education activities, and (5) the overarching goals and objectives of the NC-LEND. NC-LEND employs quantitative and qualitative strategies to measure progress on the goals/objectives, as well as the required National Performance Measures.