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University of Kansas Medical Center

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities

View University of Kansas Medical Center Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Chet  D.  Johnson, MD
4003 University of Kansas Developmental Diabilities Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160-0001
(913) 588-5912
Email: cjohnson5@kumc.edu


To improve the health of mothers/infants at risk for neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD). This project will help build an infrastructure of care through interdisciplinary training.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Recruit trainees from culturally diverse/rural setting backgrounds who represent populations and settings in which there are health disparities for children with NDD and special healthcare needs. Objective 1: Recruit one long term stipend paid trainee each year from culturally diverse background. Objective 2: Recruit one long term stipend paid trainee each year from rural settings. Goal 2: Train advanced students representing core disciplines through an interdisciplinary curriculum in leadership skills necessary to impact systems that serve families, with children with NDD. Objective 1: Train eight long term MCH-funded graduate/post-graduate students per year from core disciplines in leadership skills in neurodevelopmental disabilities. Objective 2: Train five long term non-MCH-funded graduate/post-graduate students per year in leadership skills in neurodevelopmental disabilities through our leadership curriculum.


The project methodology will involve faculty supporting advance and postgraduate trainees through a curriculum related to NDD which integrated didactic training and practicum experience in leadership skills such as leading an interdisciplinary team, case management for racial/ethnically diverse consumers, consumer and system advocacy, research/program evaluation, and interagency coordinator and collaboration. Community providers such as Title V CSHCN professionals will also be offered outreach leadership training and expertise in areas consistent with their Healthy People 2010 action plans.


Our activities are well coordinate with Title V CSHCN agencies and meet many of their goals and objectives for Healthy People 2010. We also have coordinated with state agencies such as Social and Rehabilitative Services to impact the lives of CSHCN and their families.


The project will be evaluated by how we have impacted systems of care by placing our trainees in critical leadership positions and providing a health care climate that is culturally competent and family-centered.