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Updated 12 October, 2003

Acclimations logo & link to Acclimations homeNorthern Great Plains: Rebuilding After the Flood
From Acclimations,  September-October 1998
Newsletter of the US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change


The April 1997 flood of the Red River washed out homes and businesses that had been in Grand Forks, North Dakota, and East Grand Forks, Minnesota, for generations. The disaster was expected to occur, at least on the average, only once every 500 years. Since the flood, Mayors Pat Owens of Grand Forks and Lynn Stauss of East Grand Forks have led major rebuilding efforts. Their cities are now on the mend. But a new uncertainty worries them and the area's residents. Will floods of this magnitude occur more frequently in the future? If so, what level of protection must be provided? Can dikes or diversion channels be built to withstand even greater floods? No one is quite certain how severe or how frequent future floods--or droughts--will be. But the climate change that is already underway could alter the pattern of storms and spring melts in this region. The historical pattern of seasonal river flows might change as well.

For Mayors Owens and Stauss, climate change is an important issue on their agendas. Displaced people and businesses need decisions now on how close to the river they can build and what level of protection will need to be provided. These decisions are imminent, but making them has not been easy because future generations are affected as well. To protect lives, property, and livelihoods for residents both today and tomorrow, the two mayors need the best possible information about future climates.

- George Seielstad

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