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Social Security Forms
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Common Social Security Forms

Third Party Organizations Who Want to Reproduce SSA’s Forms

Obtaining an SSA Form for Personal Use

If you would like an SSA form and do not see it on our webpage, you can request a copy from us.  You never have to pay for an SSA form.  All of our forms are free to the public.  To request an SSA form, please call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or you can visit your local office.

Search for a Form

Find your form using the Form Search Tool:


Form Categories

Find your form by browsing in one of the following categories of forms and instructions:

Printing Forms

SSA offers our forms in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF files are printer independent using any printer. To read and print a PDF publication, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your PC. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader version suitable for your system by clicking on this button. There is no charge for this software.

Get Acrobat Reader

SSA forms must be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper. You must print the form with blue or black ink to be acceptable to SSA.

NOTE: if you live abroad, and cannot obtain 8.5 x 11 paper, the use of A4 size paper (8.25 x 11.7) is the only acceptable alternative.

Prepare for Your Interview

Whether it’s by phone or in person, we want your visit to go as smoothly as possible. You can help by being ready to answer the required questions and having as many of the needed documents as possible. Don’t delay filing your claim just because you don’t have all the documents. We’ll help you get them.

To apply for benefits:

If you live in the U.S. – call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or visit your local office. You may also complete an application for Retirement and/or Spouse's Benefits, or Disability Benefits online.

If you live outside the U.S., contact the nearest U.S. Social Security office, U.S. Embassy or consulate, or the Veterans Affairs Regional Office (VARO) in the Philippines.

Contact us soon so that we can make sure that your payments start at the earliest date possible.   To see what questions we will ask you, select the type of benefit that you will be applying and then click on the button, "Make Your Selection".

Benefit Claims Supporting Forms

Generally we use these forms for people who have already applied for benefits or are in the process of applying. They are not required in all cases. We will let you know when you need to complete one of these forms.

Select the form that you want and then click on the button, "Make Your Selection".

Medicare Prescription Drug Help Forms


Other SSA Forms

These forms are used to access many of our programs and services. Each form has instructions to tell you when and how to use it. Select the form or instructions that you want and then click on the button, "Make Your Selection".


Forms for Other Agencies

The following are commonly requested forms from other agencies that we provide for your convenience. Any questions about these forms should be addressed to the agency that is responsible for the form.

Other Government Forms at www.Forms.Gov

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Aug 06, 2008
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