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Home » Data, publications and reports » Youth health reports

Data, publications and reports

Youth health reports

June 2003
Adolescent Pregnancy, Birth and Abortion, King County, 1980 - 2001
Trends in the rates of pregnancy, birth and abortion to females, 15-17 years of age (teens) within King County from 1980 through 2001. Specific regions and health planning areas within King County are examined along with demographic data to further understand the dynamics of the trends and disparities in rates of teen birth within King County.

August 2002
Bullying and Biased-Based Harassment in King County Schools
Bullying in schools has gained considerable media attention with reports of high profile shootings in schools by students who subsequently report having been humiliated on a regular basis by their peers. The association of these events with bullying has prompted researchers to question how common bullying is and how it affects targeted children and adolescents.

April 1996
Changing Direction: An Update on Teenage Pregnancy and Birth in King County
Births to adolescents continue as an issue of public concerns because of their detrimental effects to mothers and their children. These adverse outcomes include poverty, unemployment, and poor educational opportunities.

September 1999
Healthy Youth in King County
Communities everywhere are looking for ways to ensure that children approach adolescence as healthy individuals and stay healthy into and throughout adulthood. To help us know whether we are succeeding or not, this report, Healthy Youth in King County, provides a wide range of information on the health of youth and young adults living in King County.

April 1999
"83,000 youth: Selected Findings of Eight Population-Based Studies"
A growing body of quantitative research explores the particular needs of gay, lesbian and bisexual high school students and sheds light on the issue of anti-gay harassment in schools. The findings of these studies confirm and expand upon the Safe Schools Coalition's recently completed five-year qualitative study "They Don't Even Know Me: Understanding Anti-Gay Harassment and Violence in Schools." (see below).

January 1999
"They Don't Even Know Me: Understanding Anti-Gay Harassment and Violence in Schools" (PDF, 1 MB)
Until now, anti-gay harassment had not been systematically studied from the perspective of students and families and educators. So in 1994, the Safe Schools Coalition began a five-year qualitative study, the Safe Schools Project, to examine anti-gay harassment and violence in Washington State schools, kindergarten through twelfth grade.

February 1998
Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations, King County, 1987-1996 (PDF, 172 KB)
This report is on asthma hospitalizations of children in King County from 1987 to 1996. Hospitalizations were analyzed by age group, geographic area of residence and neighborhood poverty level.

Youth Health Services (YHS) annual reports
In collaborative community partnerships, Youth Health Services promotes the health and learning readiness of children, youth, and young adults in King County by supporting health promotion efforts and assuring access to high-quality, coordinated health and preventive services.

Updated: Monday, October 23, 2006 at 02:54 PM

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call 206-296-4600 (voice) or 206-296-4631 (TTY Relay service). Mailing address: ATTN: Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98104 or click here to email us.

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