In addition to colliding heavy ions, RHIC will also be able to collide single protons. While these collisions won't produce quark-gluon plasma, they're interesting to physicists for other reasons. Namely, scientists want to know more about a property of particles called spin.

Spin is the direction a particle is spinning around an axis as it travels -- just like the Earth spins on its axis as it travels around the sun. Each proton has a specific spin, which helps give it a characteristic magnetic property.

In this picture of a proton-proton collision, the spin of the particles is shown as arrows circling the spherical particles. The red and green particles represent reaction products from the collision which will be "seen" and analyzed by RHIC detectors.

particle spin

Proton beams in RHIC will be "spin polarized", meaning that all the protons in one beam will be spinning the same way, and that the other beam will contain protons all spinning in the opposite direction. RHIC is the first machine in the world with the capability to collide such beams head-on.

Why is proton spin important to understand? Astronomers studying the universe use proton spin and magnetism as important measuring properties. Spin is also what allows doctors to use an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine to see inside the human body to diagnose disease.

For these reasons and others, physicists want to measure and understand how different factors influence a proton's spin. Experiments elsewhere have shown that the spins of the quarks (and antiquarks, in some cases) inside particles such as protons accounts for only about 30% of the particle's overall spin.

RHIC spin experiments should provide the first information on how much the spin of gluons contributes to the proton's spin, a contribution which recent theoretical work suggests may be large.

If the quark and gluon spins together still do not account for the proton's spin, the only remaining source available to "balance the books" is the movement of quarks and gluons relative to one another. Thus, RHIC's measurements of the spin substructure of the proton may lead us beyond our current, still rudimentary understanding of how quarks move inside protons and other particles.

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To learn more about RHIC and nuclear physics in general, see the National Research Council's new book, Nuclear Physics: The Core of the Matter, the Fuel of the Stars. You can read it on-line for free, in either HTML or PDF formats.

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