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NEAR Shoemaker
NEAR Shoemaker Mission to Asteroids
NEAR Shoemaker:
NEAR was NASA's first Discovery Program spacecraft to be launched and the first spacecraft to orbit and touchdown on the surface of an asteroid.

After a flyby and imaging run past asteroid 253 Mathilde in 1997, NEAR began orbiting asteroid 433 Eros on February 14, 2000. The spacecraft returned the highest resolution images made of an asteroid at the time, as well as measuring its size, shape, mass, mass distribution, gravity and magnetic field.

On February 12, 2001, the spacecraft made the first controlled descent to the surface of an asteroid, snapping an incredible series of 69 close-up photos of the rocky surface. After landing, the spacecraft sent back data from the surface of Eros for two weeks.

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Key Dates Headlines
Asteroid Mathilde Flyby
Asteroid Eros Flyby
Eros Rendezvous
Touchdown on Asteroid Eros (03:02:10 EST)
End of Mission
Fast Facts Links
NEAR Shoemaker Facts NEAR photographed 60 percent of the surface of asteroid Mathilde (right) in a 1997 flyby.

The spacecraft was the first to rely on solar power beyond Mars orbit.

NEAR touched down on asteroid Eros at a gentle 1.5 meters per second (3.6 mph).
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