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New Network Initiated to Improve HAB Monitoring and Event Response on California Coast

California harmful algal bloom (HAB) researchers and marine animal, public health and water quality managers have agreed to work together to initiate the development and implementation of a statewide HAB alert system for California.  This alert system will improve the response of managers and scientists to HAB events, such as allowing for more rapid and targeted closures of shellfish beds and better management of impacted marine mammals and seabirds.  The system would also provide data crucial to National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science’s HAB program goals of developing ecological forecasts for harmful algal blooms.  The agreement occurred at the recent Regional Workshop for HABs in California Coastal Waters, convened by NCCOS in conjunction with the California Ocean Science Trust and the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project on April 2-3, 2008, to address the growing need for an integrated HAB monitoring and event response network in California.  For more information, see the California HAB fact sheet here, or contact Marc Suddleson at