***************************************************************************** *The SAS program (HEI2005_NHANES0102_PopulationScore.sas): * * * *This program creates the component and total scores of the HEI-2005 * *for a population or a group. * *The 12 components include: Total Fruit, Whole Fruit, * *Total Vegetables, Dark Green and Orange Vegetables and Legumes, * *Total Grains, Whole Grains, Milk, Meat and Beans, Oils, * *Saturated Fat, Sodium, and * *Calories from Solid Fat, Alcohol, and Added Sugar (SoFAAS). * *Please see readme file at http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/HealthyEatingIndex.htm * *****************************************************************************; /* Libname is the location of the input datasets. See http://www.sas.cc.vt.edu/faqlib/libname.html for more information*/ LIBNAME HEI "C:\"; TITLE 'NHANES 2001-2002, AGE >= 2, RELIABLE DIETS, Include Pregnant and Lactating Women'; OPTIONS LINESIZE=79; /*Section (I): Calculation of food group, nutrient, and energy intakes at the individual participant level.*/ /*Step 1: locate 3 required datasets*/ /*MyPyrEquivDB_v1:MyPyramid Equivalents Database for USDA Survey Food Codes Version 1.0 CNPPMyPyrEquivDB_v1_WJFRT: CNPP MyPyramid Equivalent Database for Whole Fruit and Fruit Juice drxiff_b: NHANES 2001-2002 individual food intake data for 1 day drxtot_b: NHANES 2001-2002 individual nutrient intake data in 1 day demo_b:NHANES 2001-2002 individual demographic and survey sampling information */ data MPED; set HEI.MyPyrEquivDB_v1; /*In the HEI-2005, soy beverages are counted as part of the Milk component. Convert the four soy beverage codes in the MPED from M_SOY oz equivalents to D_TOTAL cup equivalents using the following conversion process based on FNDDS 1.0*/ /*FOODCODE=11310000, MILK, IMITATION, FLUID, SOY BASED (1 cup=244 grams) FOODCODE=11320000, MILK, SOY, READY-TO-DRINK, NOT BABY (1 cup=245 grams) FOODCODE=11321000, MILK, SOY, READY-TO-DRINK, NOT BABY'S, CHOCOLATE (1 cup=240 grams) FOODCODE=11330000, MILK, SOY, DRY, RECONSTITUTED, NOT BABY (1 cup=245 grams)*/ IF FOODCODE=11310000 THEN DO; M_SOY=0; D_TOTAL=ROUND(100*(1/244),.001); END; ELSE IF FOODCODE=11320000 THEN DO; M_SOY=0; D_TOTAL=ROUND(100*(1/245),.001); END; ELSE IF FOODCODE=11321000 THEN DO; M_SOY=0; D_TOTAL=ROUND(100*(1/240),.001); END; ELSE IF FOODCODE=11330000 THEN DO; M_SOY=0; D_TOTAL=ROUND(100*(1/245),.001); END; run; PROC SORT DATA=MPED; BY FOODCODE; run; DATA CNPPMPED_WJFRT; SET HEI.CNPPMyPyrEquivDB_v1_WJFRT /*fruitjuice0102*/; run; PROC SORT DATA=CNPPMPED_WJFRT; BY FOODCODE; run; DATA Food; SET HEI.drxiff_b; FOODCODE=1*DRDIFDCD; /*convert variable name and type*/ if DRDDRSTZ=1; /*reliable dietary recall status*/ RUN; PROC SORT DATA=Food; BY FOODCODE; run; /*Use the individual's Day 1 dietary intake sample weight (WTDRD1) accounts for the survey sample design, nonresponse rate, and propotion of intake days (on weekdays or weekend days). It can be downloaded from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/nhanes/exam01_02.htm*/ DATA Nutrient (keep=seqn WTDRD1 DRXTKCAL DRXTCARB DRXTSFAT DRXTALCO DRDTSODI); SET HEI.DRXTOT_b; if DRDDRSTZ=1; /*reliable dietary recall status*/ run; PROC SORT DATA=Nutrient; BY SEQN; run; DATA demo (keep=seqn RIDAGEYR RIAGENDR SDDSRVYR SDMVPSU SDMVSTRA); SET HEI.demo_b; run; PROC SORT DATA=demo; BY SEQN; run; /*Step 2: Combine the required datasets and calculate NHANES 2001-2002 individual food group and nutrient intakes*/ DATA PYR; MERGE MPED(IN=S) CNPPMPED_WJFRT(IN=N); BY FOODCODE; IF S AND N; run; DATA FDPYR; MERGE Food (IN=S) PYR (IN=N); BY FOODCODE; IF S AND N; run; /*Convert NHANES 01-02 individuals' food intake amounts from grams to MyPyramid equivalents*/ DATA FDPYR; SET FDPYR; /*Calculate intake for MyPyramid food groups*/ ARRAY PYRVAR F_TOTAL WHOLEFRT V_TOTAL V_DRKGR V_ORANGE LEGUMES G_TOTAL G_WHL D_TOTAL M_MPF M_EGG M_NUTSD M_SOY DISCFAT_OIL DISCFAT_SOL ADD_SUG; DO OVER PYRVAR; PYRVAR=PYRVAR*(DRXIGRMS/100); END; run; PROC SORT DATA=FDPYR; BY SEQN; run; /*Calculate individual's food intake amounts for MyPyramid food groups in 1 day*/ PROC MEANS DATA=FDPYR NOPRINT; BY SEQN; VAR F_TOTAL WHOLEFRT V_TOTAL V_DRKGR V_ORANGE LEGUMES G_TOTAL G_WHL D_TOTAL M_MPF M_EGG M_NUTSD M_SOY DISCFAT_OIL DISCFAT_SOL ADD_SUG; OUTPUT OUT=PYRCALC SUM= ; run; /*Individual's nutrient intake (DRXICARB, carbohydrate; DRXIALCO, alcohol) from beer, wine and distilled spirits, but exclude cooking wine*/ DATA BWLNUT (KEEP=SEQN DRXICARB DRXIALCO DRXILINE THREED); SET food; THREED=INT(FOODCODE/100000); IF (931 <= THREED <= 935); /*alcoholic beverages of beer, wine, and distilled spirits*/ IF FOODCODE=93401300 THEN DELETE; /*Remove cooking wine*/ run; PROC SORT DATA=BWLNUT; BY SEQN DRXILINE; run; /*Identify Added Sugar intake from beer, wine and distilled spirits, but exclude cooking wine*/ DATA BWLPYR (KEEP=SEQN ADD_SUG DRXIGRMS DRXILINE THREED); SET FDPYR; THREED=INT(FOODCODE/100000); IF (931 <= THREED <= 935); /*alcoholic beverages of beer, wine, and distilled spirits*/ IF FOODCODE=93401300 THEN DELETE; /*Remove cooking wine*/ run; PROC SORT DATA=BWLPYR; BY SEQN DRXILINE; run; DATA BEERWINELIQ; MERGE BWLNUT BWLPYR; BY SEQN DRXILINE; run; /*Exclude calories from Added Sugars food group in alcoholic beverages*/ DATA BEERWINELIQ; SET BEERWINELIQ; BY SEQN; SUGGRAM=ADD_SUG*4; /*convert from teaspoons to grams of added sugars=grams of carbohydrate from added sugars*/ NOSCARB=DRXICARB-SUGGRAM; /*subtract grams of carbohydrate from added sugars from the total carbohydrate*/ IF THREED IN (931,932,934) THEN BWCARBC=NOSCARB*4; /*SoFAAS calories from carbohydrate in alcoholic beverages*/ ETHCAL=DRXIALCO*7; /*SoFAAS calories from alcohol (ethanol) in alcoholic beverages*/ run; /*Calculate individual's SoFAAS calories from carbohyrdate and alcohol (ethanol) in alcoholic beverages in 1 day*/ PROC MEANS DATA=BEERWINELIQ NOPRINT; BY SEQN; VAR BWCARBC ETHCAL; OUTPUT OUT=BEERWINELIQ SUM=BWCARBC ETHCAL; run; /*Combine all required datasets*/ /*Only include individuals who are age 2 years and older*/ /*Exclusion criteria change (9/17/07): include all preg and lactation women*/ DATA BOTH; MERGE Nutrient (IN=F) BEERWINELIQ PYRCALC(IN=P) DEMO; BY SEQN; IF F AND P; IF RIDAGEYR >= 2; /*individuals age 2 and older*/ run; /*Step 3: Calculate food group and nutrient intakes at the individual level*/ /*Please note: MyPyramid equivalent values for total vegetable intake (V_TOTAL) in the HEI-2005 may be different from V_TOTAL in the MPED because legumes may be counted as vegetables or meat in the HEI-2005; and total dairy intake (D_TOTAL) in the HEI-2005 may be different from D_TOTAL in the MPED because soy beverages are counted as milk in the HEI-2005.*/ DATA HEI2005POP; SET BOTH; BY SEQN; /**Calculate HEI-2005 Meat and Beans intake**/ /*Standard is 2.5 oz equiv/1000 kcal*/ ALLMEAT=M_MPF+M_EGG+M_NUTSD+M_SOY; /*Calculate total meat intake from meat, poultry, & fish; egg; nuts and seeds; soy products*/ MBMAX=2.5*(DRXTKCAL/1000); /*Create the Meat and Beans standard*/ /*Legumes intake calculation*/ /*Legumes intake counts as Meat and Beans until the standard is met, then the rest count as Total Vegetables*/ /*(a) If total meat intake is less than the Meat and Beans recommendation then all Legumes go to Meat and Beans*/ IF ALLMEAT < MBMAX THEN DO; MEATLEG=LEGUMES*4; /*Convert cup equivalents of Legumes to oz equivalents */ NEEDMEAT=MBMAX-ALLMEAT; IF MEATLEG <= NEEDMEAT THEN DO; LEGTYPE='ALLMEAT '; ALLMEAT=ALLMEAT+MEATLEG; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR; END; /*(b) Some Legumes go to Meat and Beans and the rest goes to Total Vegetables*/ ELSE IF MEATLEG > NEEDMEAT THEN DO; LEGTYPE='MEAT/VEG'; EXTRMEAT=MEATLEG-NEEDMEAT; EXTRLEG=EXTRMEAT/4; /*Convert oz equivalents of Meat and Beans from Legumes back to cup equivalents*/ ALLMEAT=ALLMEAT+NEEDMEAT; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL+EXTRLEG; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR+EXTRLEG; END; END; /*(c) If total meat intake exceeds the Meat and Beans standard, then all Legumes count as Total Vegetables*/ ELSE IF ALLMEAT >= MBMAX THEN DO; LEGTYPE='ALLVEG'; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL+LEGUMES; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR+LEGUMES; END; /*Redefine Total Vegetables consumption after Meat and Bean intake calculation process*/ VEGCUP=V_TOTAL; /*Redefine Dark Green and Orange Vegetables and Legume consumption after Meat and Bean intake calculation process*/ DGOCUP=V_DOL; /**Calculate intake of Calories from SoFAAS**/ /*Calculate SoFAAS Calories from Added sugars, solid fat, and alcoholic beverages*/ ADDSUGC=16*ADD_SUG; /*calories from added sugars*/ SOLFATC=DISCFAT_SOL*9; /*calories from solid fat*/ IF ETHCAL < 0 THEN ETHCAL=0; IF BWCARBC < 0 THEN BWCARBC=0; EXFAAS=ADDSUGC+SOLFATC+ETHCAL+BWCARBC; /*total SoFAAS calories as in kcal*/ run; /*Section (II): Calculation of ratios of mean food group and nutrient intakes to mean energy intakes at the population level. */ /**Population ratio for the HEI-2005 components= Sum of weighted population food or nutrient consumption ------------------------------------------------------- Sum of weighted total kcal consumption */ /*Convert food group and nutrient intakes in density unit based on HEI-2005 components*/ data POP0102; set HEI2005POP; F_TOTAL1000 =F_TOTAL*1000; WHOLEFRT1000 =WHOLEFRT*1000; VEGCUP1000 =VEGCUP*1000; DGOCUP1000 =DGOCUP*1000; G_TOTAL1000 =G_TOTAL*1000; G_WHL1000 =G_WHL*1000; D_TOTAL1000 =D_TOTAL*1000; ALLMEAT1000 =ALLMEAT*1000; DISCFAT_OIL1000 =DISCFAT_OIL*1000; DRXTSFATper =DRXTSFAT*9*100; DRDTSODIgm1000 =DRDTSODI*1000/1000; EXFAASper =EXFAAS*100; run; /*Population ratio estimates for the HEI-2005 components, age 2+*/ proc sort data=POP0102; by SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU ; run; proc ratio data=POP0102 design=wr filetype=sas; NEST SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU ; weight WTDRD1; numer F_TOTAL1000 WHOLEFRT1000 VEGCUP1000 DGOCUP1000 G_TOTAL1000 G_WHL1000 D_TOTAL1000 ALLMEAT1000 DISCFAT_OIL1000 DRXTSFATper DRDTSODIgm1000 EXFAASper; denom DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL DRXTKCAL; Setenv Labwidth=15 rowspce=0 colspce=2; Print nsum="samzie" wsum="popsize" wxsum="total wted kcal" wysum="total wted intake" rhat="Prop. of intake" serhat="S.E. of Prop." lowrhat="lower 95%" uprhat="upper 95%" /nsumfmt=f15.0 wsumfmt=f15.0 wxsumfmt=f15.0 wysumfmt=f15.0 rhatfmt=f7.4 serhatfmt=f7.5 lowrhatfmt=f12.5 uprhatfmt=f12.5 style=NCHS; title "NHANES 2001-2002, population ratio of intakes (sum food/sum kcal), age 2+ "; output nsum rhat serhat lowrhat uprhat/ filename=ratio0102 rhatfmt=f7.4 serhatfmt=f7.5 lowrhatfmt=f7.5 uprhatfmt=f7.5 replace; run; /*Section (III): Calculation of the HEI-2005 component and total scores at the population level*/ /**Export the output from SUDAAN into an Excel worksheet (popratio0102.xls) and then calculate the HEI-2005 component and total scores in a different Excel worksheet by copying the output (RHAT and SERHAT) into the yellow highlighted cells in the Excel worksheet, HEI2005_NHANES 2001-2002PopScores.xls*/ proc export data=ratio0102 outfile="C:\popratio0102.xls" dbms=excel replace; run; /*Section (IV): Calculation of the standard error of the population total HEI-2005 score*/ /*Create non-trucated HEI-2005 component and total scores at individual level*/ /*Create a dataset to calculate the standard error for the total HEI-2005 score of a population or a group*/ DATA HEI2005POP_0102SE_notrun; SET BOTH; BY SEQN; /**Calculate HEI-2005 TOTAL FRUIT non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=0.8 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Fruit intake, minimum score is zero*/ FMAX=.8*(DRXTKCAL/1000); HEI1=5*(F_TOTAL/FMAX); IF F_TOTAL=0 THEN HEI1=0; /**Calculate HEI-2005 WHOLE FRUIT non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=0.4 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Fruit intake, minimum score is zero*/ NJFMAX=.4*(DRXTKCAL/1000); IF NJFMAX > 0 THEN HEI2=5*(WHOLEFRT/NJFMAX); IF F_TOTAL=0 THEN HEI2=0; /**Calculate HEI-2005 Total Grains non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=3.0 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Total Grains intake, minimum score is zero*/ GMAX=3.0*(DRXTKCAL/1000); IF GMAX > 0 THEN HEI5=5*(G_TOTAL/GMAX); /**Calculate HEI-2005 Whole Grains non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=1.5 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Whole Grains intake, minimum score is zero*/ WGMAX=1.5*(DRXTKCAL/1000); IF WGMAX > 0 THEN HEI6=5*(G_WHL/WGMAX); IF G_TOTAL=0 THEN DO; /*no reported Total Grains intake, Total Grains and Whole Grains component scores are zero*/ HEI5=0; HEI6=0; END; /**Calculate HEI-2005 Milk non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=1.3 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Milk intake, minimum score is zero*/ DAIRYMAX=1.3*(DRXTKCAL/1000); HEI7=10*(D_TOTAL/DAIRYMAX); /**Calculate HEI-2005 Meat and Beans non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=2.5 oz equiv/1000 kcal; no Mean or Beans intake, minimum score is zero*/ ALLMEAT=M_MPF+M_EGG+M_NUTSD+M_SOY; /*Calculate total meat intake from meat, poultry, & fish; egg; nuts and seeds; soy products*/ MBMAX=2.5*(DRXTKCAL/1000); /*Create the Meat and Beans standard*/ /*Legumes intake calculation*/ /*Legumes intake counts as Meat and Beans until the standard is met, then the rest count as Total Vegetables*/ /*(a) If total meat intake is less than the Meat and Beans recommendation then all Legumes go to Meat and Beans*/ IF ALLMEAT < MBMAX THEN DO; MEATLEG=LEGUMES*4; /*Convert cup equivalents of Legumes to oz equivalents */ NEEDMEAT=MBMAX-ALLMEAT; IF MEATLEG <= NEEDMEAT THEN DO; LEGTYPE='ALLMEAT '; ALLMEAT=ALLMEAT+MEATLEG; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR; END; /*(b) Some Legumes go to Meat and Beans and the rest goes to Total Vegetables*/ ELSE IF MEATLEG > NEEDMEAT THEN DO; LEGTYPE='MEAT/VEG'; EXTRMEAT=MEATLEG-NEEDMEAT; EXTRLEG=EXTRMEAT/4; /*Convert oz equivalents of Meat and Beans from Legumes back to cup equivalents*/ ALLMEAT=ALLMEAT+NEEDMEAT; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL+EXTRLEG; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR+EXTRLEG; END; END; /*(c) If total meat intake exceeds the Meat and Beans standard, then all Legumes count as Total Vegetables*/ ELSE IF ALLMEAT >= MBMAX THEN DO; LEGTYPE='ALLVEG'; V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL+LEGUMES; V_DOL=V_ORANGE+V_DRKGR+LEGUMES; END; IF MBMAX > 0 THEN HEI8=10*(ALLMEAT/MBMAX); /**Calculate HEI-2005 Total Vegetable non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=1.1 cup equiv/1000 kcal; no Vegetable intake, minimum score is zero*/ VMAX=1.1*(DRXTKCAL/1000); VEGCUP=V_TOTAL; IF VMAX > 0 THEN HEI3=5*(VEGCUP/VMAX); /**Calculate HEI-2005 Dark Green and Orange Vegetables and Legumes non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=0.4 cup equiv/1000 kcal*/ DGMAX=.4*(DRXTKCAL/1000); DGOCUP=V_DOL; IF DGMAX > 0 THEN HEI4=5*(DGOCUP/DGMAX); /**Calculate HEI-2005 Oils non-truncated component score**/ /*Standard for maximum score is >=12 grams/1000 kcal*/ OILMAX=12*(DRXTKCAL/1000); IF OILMAX > 0 THEN HEI9=10*(DISCFAT_OIL/OILMAX); /**Linear extrapolation for Saturated fat and Sodium non-truncated component scores: Individuals with truncated score of >0 and <8 receive the same score; Individuals with truncated score of >=8 will receive a linear extrapolated score based on the scores of 0-8 **/ /**Calculate HEI-2005 Saturated Fat non-truncated component score**/ /*Standards for score of 8 is 10% of total kcal and score of zero is >=15%*/ IF DRXTKCAL > 0 THEN PCTSFAT=100*(DRXTSFAT*9)/DRXTKCAL; /*Calculate percent of calories from Saturated Fat*/ /*truncated score is >0 and <8 for Saturated fat intake of 10%-15% of total kcal*/ IF 10=2.0 grams/1000 kcal*/ IF DRXTKCAL > 0 THEN SODIDEN=(DRDTSODI*1000)/DRXTKCAL; /*Calcuate the sodium density*/ /*truncated score is >0 and <8 for Sodium intake of 1.1 g - 2g/1000 kcal*/ IF 1100=50% total kcal, minimum score is zero*/ /*Calculate SoFAAS Calories from Added sugars, solid fat, and alcoholic beverages*/ ADDSUGC=16*ADD_SUG; /*calories from added sugars*/ SOLFATC=DISCFAT_SOL*9; /*calories from solid fat*/ IF ETHCAL < 0 THEN ETHCAL=0; IF BWCARBC < 0 THEN BWCARBC=0; EXFAAS=ADDSUGC+SOLFATC+ETHCAL+BWCARBC; /*total SoFAAS calories as in kcal*/ ALCOHOLC=ETHCAL+BWCARBC; ADDSUGC_PERC=(ADDSUGC*100)/DRXTKCAL; ALCOHOLC_PERC=(ALCOHOLC*100)/DRXTKCAL; SOLFATC_PERC=(SOLFATC*100)/DRXTKCAL; IF DRXTKCAL > 0 THEN SOFA_PERC=(EXFAAS*100)/DRXTKCAL; /*Calculate SoFAAS as in %kcal*/ SOFAMIN=20; SOFAMAX=50; HEI12= 20 - ( 20* (SOFA_PERC-SOFAMIN) / (SOFAMAX-SOFAMIN) ); run; /*Calculate linear equations for Saturated fat and Sodium components based on the individuals with HEI-2005 component score of >0 and <8, then extrapolate the equcations to the individuals with score >=8 or score <=0*/ data slop; set HEI2005POP_0102SE_notrun; if hei10 ^=.; if hei11 ^=.; run; /*Calculate the linear equations*/ proc reg data=slop; model HEI10=PCTSFAT; model HEI11=SODIDEN; run; /*Apply the linear extrapolation of the equcations to the individuals with score >=8 or score <=0*/ data HEI2005POP_0102SE_notrunnew; set HEI2005POP_0102SE_notrun; if (PCTSFAT<=10 or PCTSFAT>=15) then do; HEI10=-1.60000*(PCTSFAT) + 24.00000; end; if (SODIDEN<=1100 or SODIDEN>=2000) then do; HEI11= -0.00889*(SODIDEN)+ 17.77778; end; /**Calculate HEI-2005 total non-truncated score**/ /*Total HEI-2005 non-truncated score at the individual level is the sum of 12 HEI-2005 non-truncated component scores*/ HEI2005new=HEI1+HEI2+HEI3+HEI4+HEI5+HEI6+HEI7+HEI8+HEI9+HEI10+HEI11+HEI12; LABEL HEI2005new='Total Non-truncated HEI-2005 score at individual levels'; run; /*Create population total to estimate the standard error of HEI-2005 total score for the population: Population total = individual's total HEI-2005 non-truncated score x individual's total energy intake */ data pop0102seNEWpopwt; set HEI2005POP_0102SE_notrunnew; HEI2005kcal=HEI2005new*DRXTKCAL; run; proc sort data=pop0102seNEWpopwt; by SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU ; run; proc ratio data=pop0102seNEWpopwt design=wr filetype=sas; NEST SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU; weight WTDRD1; numer HEI2005kcal; denom DRXTKCAL; Setenv Labwidth=15 rowspce=0 colspce=2; Print nsum="samzie" wsum="popsize" wxsum="total wted kcal" wysum="total wted HEI component score*intake kcal" rhat="Prop. of score*kcal to total kcal" serhat="S.E. of Prop." lowrhat="lower 95%" uprhat="upper 95%" /nsumfmt=f15.0 wsumfmt=f15.0 wxsumfmt=f15.0 wysumfmt=f15.0 rhatfmt=f7.4 serhatfmt=f7.5 style=NCHS; title1 "NHANES 2001-2002, SE for population total HEI-2005 score"; title2 "HEI-2005 non-truncated total score at the individual level"; title3 "Linear extrapolation of <=0 and >=8 based on <0 and >8 for Saturated Fat and Sodium components"; title4 "age 2+"; run; /*Copy the standard error calculated in SUDAAN into the pink highlighted cell in HEI2005_NHANES 2001-2002PopScores.xls Excel worksheet to obtain the 95% confidence interval for the population total HEI-2005 score*/