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P. O. Box 944202
Sacramento, CA 94244-2020
Info: (916) 654-1690
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Reimbursement Rates

Current rates, or ranges of rates, are listed for Community-Based Day Programs and Respite Programs, Community Care (residential) Facilities, Long-Term Care Facilities, and for services covered by the Medi-Cal Schedule of Maximum Allowances (SMA).

Community Care Facilities (Residential)
Lists the rates paid for consumers living in residential facilities based on the consumer's level of care and the facility service level.
2006 Rates | 2007 Rates | 2007 Rates-Revised 4/18/07 | 2008 Rates (PDF)

Community-Based Day Programs and Respite Agencies (PDF) Updated Rate Table
Lists the allowable range of rates and the temporary payment rates for activity centers, adult development centers, behavior management programs, independent living programs, social recreation programs, infant development programs and in-home respite services agencies.

Long-Term Care Rate Table
For information on Long Term Care rates please visit the Medi-Cal website.

Transportation Rates (PDF)
Basic Rate information on transportation services.

Work Activity and Supported Employment Programs Rates (PDF)
Service Codes 950, 952 and 954.

All Other Non-Residential Services Rates (PDF)
Specifies the rate methodology for all other non-residential services.

Department of Health Services' Medi-Cal Schedule of Maximum Allowances (SMA). Regulations require regional centers to reimburse providers of services listed in the schedule at rates no higher than the rates specified in the SMA.

Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding reimbursement rates for services provided to persons with developmental disabilities.
Last Updated: 2/28/2008