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ARCOS > ARCOS Registrant Bulletins > June 15, 2005

ARCOS Registrant Bulletin


June 15, 2005

NO. 3

Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System

Published on an as-needed basis for ARCOS registrants

This bulletin has been prepared by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Diversion Control, ARCOS Unit, to assist participating ARCOS registrants with the preparation and submission of required DEA controlled substance transaction reports to ARCOS.

The purpose of this bulletin is to clarify ARCOS reporting information provided at the DEA Electronic Orders for Controlled Substances public meeting that was held on May 18, 2005 in Arlington, VA.

  •  ARCOS EDI participants must continue using the standard ARCOS 80 character record format and Control Record when submitting ARCOS reports via the ARCOS EDI system for submission of monthly/quarterly ARCOS reports, until further notice. ARCOS reports received in any other format will be rejected by the ARCOS system. Additionally, ARCOS reports must include only the manufacture, distribution, acquisition and inventories of Schedules I and II materials, narcotic and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) materials in Schedule III, and specific activities involving the manufacture of selected Schedules III and IV psychotropic materials (ref. Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21CFR), Section 1304.33).
  • Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS) participants must submit their reports using the 105 character record format which is described in the CSOS website @ "http://www.deaecom.gov". Please address questions regarding CSOS reporting requirements to the CSOS support staff at 1-877-DEA-ECOM (1-877-332-3266).

Effective Date: When received by ARCOS participants.

Applicability: This bulletin applies to all ARCOS participants.


Richard Boyd, Chief
Registration & Program Support Section
Office of Diversion Control
Drug Enforcement Administration

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