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ARCOS > ARCOS Registrant Bulletins > January 29, 2004

ARCOS Registrant Bulletin


VOLUME 8 January 29, 2004 NO. 1

Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System

This bulletin has been prepared by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Diversion Control, ARCOS Unit, to assist participating ARCOS registrants with the preparation and submission of required DEA controlled substance transaction reports to ARCOS.

  • Return of Diskettes and CD’s to ARCOS Participants

The ARCOS Unit will no longer return diskettes and CD’s to ARCOS Participants after downloading of ARCOS reports from the media. This action is being taken to eliminate the costly procedure of mailing CD’s and diskettes back to participants. Additionally, the ARCOS Unit received overwhelming support (ratio of 70:1) for this proposal in the recent questionnaire addressed to participants who use the diskette and CD reporting methods. This change involves only the return of the diskettes and CD’s after the media has been processed by the ARCOS Unit.

All participants will continue to receive "Daily Transactions Processing Error Reports" that are generated when the ARCOS Unit processes media, without change or interruption.

Effective Date: Beginning with the February 2004 ARCOS Reports.

Applicability: This change in operations affects only diskette and CD reporters. The ARCOS Unit will continue returning magnetic tapes to participants that use the tape reporting method.

For additional information, contact the ARCOS Unit at 202-307-8600.

June Howard, Chief
Targeting and Analysis Unit
Drug Operations Section
Office of Diversion Control
Drug Enforcement Administration

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