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ARCOS > ARCOS Registrant Bulletins > January 16, 2001

ARCOS Registrant Bulletin


VOLUME 5 January 16, 2001 NO. 1

Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System

This bulletin has been prepared by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),  Office of Diversion Control, ARCOS Unit, to assist participating ARCOS registrants with the preparation and submission of required DEA controlled substance transaction reports to ARCOS.

  • Year End Inventory and In-Process Inventory Transactions

As a result of the continuing development of ARCOS-2, ARCOS Registrants no longer need to prepare separate or supplemental year end inventory reports, as was the case prior to 1997. Inventory transactions (transaction code '3' - Year End Inventory, and transaction code '4' -Year End In-Process Inventory) must now be included in the December reports for monthly reporters and 4th quarter reports for quarterly reporters. Each calendar year, monthly reporters must submit no more than 12 reports to ARCOS, and quarterly reporters no more than 4 reports to ARCOS,  unless otherwise directed by the DEA.

ARCOS registrants are further reminded to submit one (1) transaction code '8' - No Year End Inventory - in December or 4th quarter report, when no ARCOS reportable controlled substances/materials are on hand (in inventory) on December 31.

Effective Date of the Change: 2001 Calendar Year Inventories

For further information, contact the ARCOS Unit at 202-307-8600.

James A. Pacella, Chief

Registration and Program

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Office of Diversion Control

Drug Enforcement Administration

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