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IHS Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention
Staff Goals/Mission Quarterly Reports Data/Resources Current Projects
The mission of the IHS National STD Program, in partnership with American Indian/Alaska Native people, is to raise their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health to the highest level possible through prevention and reduction of sexually transmitted diseases.

Our goals are to:
  • Raise awareness of STDs as a high priority health issue.
  • Support partnerships and collaborations with state STD programs, IHS, tribal, urban Indian (I/T/U), and other public health agencies.
  • Support improvement of I/T/U, state, and local STD programs for AI/AN.
  • Increase access to up-to-date STD training for clinicians and public health practitioners.
  • Support and strengthen surveillance systems to monitor STD trends.
  • Promote STD research and identify effective interventions for reducing STD morbidity.
  • Support STD outbreak response efforts.
  • Support integration of STD/HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis prevention and control activities.

This file last modified: Friday September 5, 2008  2:29 PM