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Students Corner


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International Volunteering Opportunities

Do you value volunteering? Learn about opportunities both home and abroad on this new Students'Corner addition.

Conference Bulletin Board

Students of the World, Rejoice! This bulletin board is updated weekly with student-oriented conferences, both at home and abroad, that focus on international relations.


Click here to view the Editor's pick of opportunities for Students across the globe!

Top International Relations and Public Policy Graduate Programs

Interested in getting your Masters degree in International Relations, but don't know where to start? Student's Corner is pleased to present a complete list and description of the top sixteen programs according to U.S. News & World Report. When perusing the list, please remember that many of the top schools require knowledge of economics, prior field work, and experience with international organizations, in addition to high GRE scores and good grades from your undergraduate institution.

Grants, Awards, and Fellowships for Individuals and Organizations

Do you need help paying for school or degree-related research? Do you work with a non-profit and are interested in getting a grant for a new project? Or are you yourself looking to write a grant for a project idea? Click here to dive into a sea of resources and look for awards that best match your skills.

Exploring Foreign Policy as a high school student

Attention High School Students! If you're interested in foreign policy-related summer programs, learn about one incredible opportunity from Alexander Zevin, a student at Dalton High School in New York City.

Study Abroad Year-Round Opportunities

At home and abroad, the FPA students corner is providing a new service of updates on summer educational opportunities. Here, we welcome you to explore the possibilities of learning abroad. Finally if you are in school now and looking to study abroad, check with your school's Study Abroad Office, as most Universities have specific requirements for receiving credit.

College and High School Great Decisions Sites

Click here to see a listing of High School and College websites that have put together a Great Decisions and Classroom page. Learn what different schools are doing with Great Decisions. If you are a teacher interested in publishing a Great Decisions or Classroom page for your school, visit Educator's Corner to learn more.


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