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Mosaic of Mathilde
Mosaic of Mathilde
Date: 06.27.1997
This is a mosaic of the main belt asteroid 253 Mathilde made up of four images returned by the NEAR spacecraft during its flyby. The images were taken on 27 June 1997 from a distance of 2400 km.

The portion of the asteroid visible is about 59 x 47 km and the resolution is roughly 300 m. Three large craters can be discerned, one at lower center, one at the top left viewed edge-on, and one at lower right, also viewed edge-on. The crater at center is estimated to be 10 km deep.

These large craters, the abundance of smaller craters, and the angular shape point to a history of heavy bombardment. Lighting is from the upper right. (NEAR Mathilde 199706271400)

Image Credit: NASA
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