Bill Status, Text, Committee Reports, and Testimony

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1. SB2341_CD1_.htm    SB2341 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Public Safety; Freedom of Information � Description: Requires out-of-state detention facilities holding Hawaii prisoners under a contract with the State to make public information about the operation of the prison.� (CD1)
Filesize: 13845
Electronic File Date: 4/24/2008 9:41:22 PM

2. SB2341_HD1_.htm    SB2341 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Public Safety; Freedom of Information � Description: Requires out-of-state detention facilities holding Hawaii prisoners under a contract with the State to make public information about the operation of the prison.� (SB2341 HD1)
Filesize: 13097
Electronic File Date: 4/3/2008 5:47:00 PM

3. SB2341_SD1_.htm    SB2341 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Public Safety; Freedom of Information � Description: Requires out-of-state detention facilities holding Hawaii prisoners under a contract with the State to make public information about the operation of the prison; provides exemptions pursuant to chapter 92, HRS.� (SD1)
Filesize: 13367
Electronic File Date: 2/13/2008 6:37:08 PM

4. SB2341_.htm    SB2341 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Public Safety; Freedom of Information � Description: Requires prisons holding Hawaii prisoners under a contract with the State to make public information about the operation of the prison. THE SENATE S.B. NO.
Filesize: 14459
Electronic File Date: 1/18/2008 12:20:18 AM

Bill Status files are shown as:
BillNo_Status, for example, HB1_Status
Bill Text files are shown as:
BillNo_DraftNo_.htm, for example, HB1_SD1_.htm
Committee Reports are shown as:
BillNo_DraftNo_CommRptNo_.htm, for example, HB1_SD1_SSCR1000_.htm