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Vendorization and Rates Home Page

Welcome to the Department of Developmental Services' Vendorization and Rates Home Page. The information on these pages is intended for those who provide, or want to provide, services to persons with developmental disabilities through California's statewide system of 21 locally-based regional centers.

Service providers must be vendored by a regional center before they can provide and be reimbursed for services. "Vendorization" is the term used to describe the entire approval process involved in preparing to provide services to regional center consumers. While this process often involves obtaining licenses or approvals from other State and local agencies prior to becoming a vendor, the main point of contact is the local regional center. The application process starts there, and they will be your guide throughout the entire process.

Vendorization Process Overview
A description of the process involved in becoming a service provider.
Title 17 Subchapter 2: Vendorization
Sections of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) governing the vendorization process and services purchased by regional centers.
Reimbursement Rates
Information on the actual rates of reimbursement for the rate setting methodology.
Program Design Checklist (PDF)
An aid to ensure that mandatory elements have not been overlooked, thereby speeding up the approval process by reducing the chances that further documentation will be required.
Frequently Asked Questions
These pages contain answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the approval process involved in becoming a provider of services to persons with developmental disabilities.
Contacts for vendorization and non-residential rates, residential services, and supported living services.

Last Updated: 10/23/2007