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Individual Program Planning

Person-centered individual program planning assists persons with developmental disabilities and their families to build their capacities and capabilities. This planning effort is not a single event or meeting, but a series of discussions or interactions among a team of people including the person with a developmental disability, their family (when appropriate), regional center representative(s) and others.

As part of the planning process, this team assists the individual in developing a description that includes: a preferred place to live, favorite people with whom to socialize, and preferred types of daily activities, including preferred jobs. This description is called a preferred future, and is based on the individual's strengths, capabilities, preferences, lifestyle and cultural background.

The planning team decides what needs to be done, by whom, when, and how, if the individual is to begin (or continue) working toward the preferred future. The document known as the Individual Program Plan (IPP) is a record of the decisions made by the planning team.


Individual Program Plan Resource Manual (English)
This resource manual is designed to facilitate the adoption of the values that lead to person-centered individual program planning. It is intended for use by all those who participate in person-centered planning. It was developed with extensive input from consumers, families, advocates and providers of service and support.
From Process to Action: Making Person-Centered Planning Work (English) (PDF)
A quick look at questions that can help a planning team move the individual program plan from process to action focusing on the person and the person's dreams for a preferred future.
Person-Centered Planning (English) (PDF)
This publication consists of excerpts taken from the IPP Resource Manual to facilitate consumers and his or her family regarding person-centered planning.

The above publications may also be obtained by writing to:

California Department of Developmental Services
Services and Support Section (MS 3-13)
1600 Ninth Street, Room 340
Sacramento, CA 95814

Other Publications:

The following publications are available from your local regional center. These publications describe the basics of how to participate in the person-centered planning approach to the IPP.

More than a Meeting
A pocket guide (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog or Hmong)
More than a Meeting
An audio cassette (available in English, Spanish, Mandarin or Cantonese)
Person-Centered Planning
A 15 minute video cassette (available in English or Spanish)
Last Updated: 10/23/2007