Register to Vote

This is an exciting election season and we're making sure that young people turn out in record numbers. Register to vote online today.

Register Voters On Your Website

Put our cutting-edge widget on your website, blog, or profile page. Your visitors will be able to fill out a voter registration form right on your website.

On a Campus Near You

Over 100 PIRG campus organizers are working on colleges around the country, where they'll be recruiting and organizing thousands of volunteers to get out the vote. See you on campus!

Register Your Friends On Facebook

Our new Facebook application lets you register your friends to vote and recruit them to register others. Sign up for the application today.

Download our Toolkit

We've published a comprehensive campaign guide on how to register voters and turn them out to vote on your campus. The toolkit is based on our twenty-five years of experience turning out the student vote.

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"It's Your Life" Singer Francesca Battistelli asks Young People to Register

Musician Francesca Battistelli is making a point to encourage young people to register to vote. She's got a great new song, "It's Your Life," that speaks to the issue.

Listen to it here.

New Mexico PIRG Challenges Unconstitutional Voter Registration Law

On July 24th, New Mexico PIRG, represented by the Brennan Center, filed suit on behalf of New Mexico PIRG, the Southwest Organizing Project and the American Association of People with Disabilities, challenging the state's unconstitutional voter registration law. The law requires voter registration groups in New Mexico to meet one of the shortest deadlines in the country - 48 hours -  for the return of completed forms, and imposes hefty civil and criminal penalties, including fines and even jail time, if voter registration volunteers and employees do not adhere to restrictive and cumbersome rules for signing up new voters.

As Katryn Fraher, a senior at UNM and leader with New Mexico PIRG, described to the Associated Press, the law significantly reduced the number of students willing to volunteer in New Mexico PIRG’s 2006 UNM campus voter registration drive and presented a real challenge to our efforts to register young voters there in 2006.

Virginia Debate in the New York Times

Our Program Director, Sujatha Jahagirdar, was quoted in today's New York Times story, "Voter Registration by Students Raises Cloud of Consequences." The debate in Virginia was sparked by local voter registration policies that discourage students from registering at their college address. Read the story at





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Voter Registration by Students Raises Cloud of Consequences

New York Times


Nation's Leading Voter Registration Groups Join Forces with MySpace for "Ultimate College Bowl" to Register College Students to Vote


Mobilizing the Mobiles: How Text Messaging Can Boost Youth Voter Turnout
