Courts of the Sixth Circuit


With the Judiciary Act of 17891, "the judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."2 The federal court system is still shaped by the basic concepts of that statute, although the Circuit Courts have been abolished and the Court of Appeals have taken over the intermediate appellate jurisdiction, which they exercised and have been vested, in addition, with a much larger appellate jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction of the District Courts has been greatly enlarged.3

U. S. Court of Appeals
Legislative History
Early Circuit Court System
U. S. Court of Appeals
The Court in 1976
Circuit Judges
Circuit Justices
Supreme Court Justices from the Sixth Circuit
Cases, 1891-1976
National Power
Criminal Cases
The Franchise
Desegregation & Remedies
U. S. District Courts
U. S. Bankruptcy Court