Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff, v. National Audit Defense Network, Inc. , a Nevada Corporation; Tax Coach, Inc., a Nevada Corporation Doing Business as Tax Ready; Oryan Management, Inc., a Nevada Corporation; Robert Bennington, Individually and as an Officer of National Audit Defense Network, Inc., and Tax Coach, Inc.; Cort Christie, Individually and as an Officer of National Audit Defense Network, Inc.; Weston J. Coolidge, Individually and as an Officer of National Audit Defense Network, Inc.; and Al Rodrigues , Individually, Defendants. (United States District Court for the District of Nevada)

CV S-02-0131-LRH-PAL
FTC File No.012 3138

August 29, 2006

December 31, 2002

February 5, 2002


Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 16:38:00 EDT