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Closed School Search Page

U.S. Department of Education
To look up a closed school:
If you believe that a school you attended may have closed, you may be able to use this screen to confirm this and to determine the date the school closed. Please note that the closed school list includes only schools that at one time participated in the federal student aid programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education. A closed school that never participated in the programs administered by the Department will not be on this list.

When conducting a search below, there is no need to supply information for every search box. Provide only the school information that you know is accurate for the appropriate search boxes. For instance, if you are not sure of the school's name, you can just enter the city or state to see a list of all schools that have closed in that area. To locate a foreign closed school, you will need to enter the name of the school in the "school name" box. Please note that you can provide partial information in a search box. For example, if you enter "Rad" in the School Name box, then click the Search button, the results page will list schools with the word Radio in their name as well as schools of Radiation Technology. Search results will be displayed in alphabetical order by school name.

FOR FINANCIAL AID PROFESSIONALS: To download data concerning closed schools, go to www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/PEPS/dataextracts.html, which contains an extract feature for downloading various types of school data. Please read the instructions carefully because we provide two options to help you work with your data. If you have questions, scroll down to the bottom of the page and contact the persons identified. You can also see current and recent Closed School Monthly Reports on the PEPS website. If you have questions or would like to report school closures, please contact the appropriate case team.

NOTE: The Closed School database is updated weekly. Inquires about school closures may be directed to the Closed School Unit, US Department of Education, at 202-377-4374.

School Name:
City :

Optional: If you know the OPE ID Number, you may enter it to obtain the name or location of the school.


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Page last modified: March 1, 2006

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Other inquiries/comments:  customerservice@inet.ed.gov