
Governor and First Lady’s Service Award

The Governor and First Lady's Service Award will celebrate the volunteer contributions of California's youngest resources - those ages 5-14. Award recipients will receive a personalized certificate from the Governor and First Lady. Following receipt of this special California recognition, participants are encouraged to continue serving towards recognition provided by the President's Volunteer Service Award program.

  • Earning the Governor and First Lady's Service Award is easy!
  • Complete 25 hours of service during a 12-month period.
  • Submit your Record of Service (PDF) to a certifying organization - to find a certifying organization in your area, use the search on the left of screen.
  • Your personalized certificate will be sent to you via your certifying organization.

To be recognized, service activities should meet national or community needs in the areas of youth achievement, parks and open spaces, healthy communities, and public safety and emergency response. Activities should be unpaid and may not include court-ordered community service.

Currently, the Governor and First Lady's Service Award is open to children ages 5-14. The award will be expanded to those ages 15 and up in the future. In the mean time, those ages 15 and up can receive recognition through the President's Volunteer Service Award program.

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© 2006 President's Volunteer Service Award