Office of the United States Trade Representative


USTR Zoellick and Indian Commerce Minister Maran Discuss Strengthening U.S.-Indian Trade and Economic Ties
Contact: Richard Mills (202) 395-3230 07/20/2001

Zoellick to Travel to India in Early August

WASHINGTON - U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick met with Indian Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran today to discuss the U.S.-India trade and economic relationship. "Our discussions today were constructive and should contribute to our growing economic relationship," Ambassador Zoellick said.

Following his meeting with Minister Maran, Ambassador Zoellick announced that he would visit India the week of August 5 to meet with government and private sector leaders.

"Minister Maran and I discussed the changing nature of India's economy, including the important information technology and service industry network developing between our two countries. We also exchanged views on multilateral trade liberalization through the WTO," Zoellick said. "I stressed my interest in learning more about developments in India so I could better appreciate the Indian perspective and interests. I stated my belief that India's economic reforms and growth would make it an increasingly important economy in the global system."

Ambassador Zoellick and Minister Maran also discussed the broader strategic implications of closer U.S.-Indian economic cooperation. "India and the United States are both major democracies. The shared values of individual liberty and respect for the rule of law are the foundation of our economic relationship," Ambassador Zoellick said.

U.S. exports of goods and services to India totaled almost $6 billion last year. Trade is a vital element of President Bush's economic plan and the Administration's international policy. Expanding trade with India means new and better jobs for American workers, farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs.

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