Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated


Doing business with ARSC

The contracting section provides information for new and established ARSC contracting partners.


HH-65 in Hangar

Click the links in the Contracting drop-down list to the left to navigate to the solicitation pages for individual product lines or divisions. To view ALL open, closed, and awarded solicitations, see FedBizOpps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become an ARSC contractor?

Introduce yourself to use via a line, card, company brochure or other similar documents. View this page frequently and submit a proposal or bid on our open requirements.

Contractors are required to be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) in order to obtain contracts with the Department of Homeland Security and the Coast Guard.

Where can I find contracting information?

The following links will help you get started:

Who are the contracting officers at ARSC?

Name Product Line Phone Number Fax Number
Nancy DeBerry HC-130 252-335-6291 252-335-6452
Dottie Pelis HC-130J 252-334-7181 252-334-5490
Wade Johnson HU-25, HC-144 252-335-6142 252-334-5427
Jonathan Stanton HH-60 252-335-6642 252-335-6790
Cynthia Soules HH-65 252-335-6438 252-334-5240
Dee Mitchell Engineering Services Division (ESD) 252-335-6895 252-335-6463
David Burgess Procurement Support Office (ALD) 252-335-6436 252-335-6840
Cynthia Soules Industrial Operations Division (IOD) 252-334-5274 252-335-6227

Notice: Use of this contact information is for official purposes only and subject to monitoring. This US Government system is subject to monitoring. Please review the website privacy and security policy.

How do I submit new products to ARSC?

The purpose of the application is to provide sufficient information to persuade the Coast Guard that the proposed material or process represents an innovative approach to an aerospace or process problem experienced by Coast Guard aviation. Beyond that, the application should convince the Coast Guard that the material or process has a reasonable chance of meeting the objective, that the approach is new, not routine, and that the manufacturer has the capability to implement the material or process. Once completed, the original Manufacturer’s Application for Introduction of Materials and Processes must be mailed to the following address:

Commanding Officer
USCG Aircraft Repair & Supply Center
Attn: Industrial Systems Manager (ISM)
1664 Weeksville Road
Elizabeth City, NC 27909–5001


Last Modified 6/16/2008