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Reading Room / Reports / Office of Audit Services

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Previous Year's reports

Current Year's Reports

National Institutes of Health (NIH)



FY 2004


April 16, 2004

Northeastern University DHHS Grant Costs (A-01-03-01502)

February 17, 2004

Review of Construction Cost Increases Related to the National Institutes of Health's Clinical Research Center (A-03-02-00371)

FY 2003



June 05, 2003

Northeastern University DHHS Grant Costs (A-01-02-01502)

March 04, 2003

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 2001 (A-04-02-08003)

FY 2002



October 30, 2001

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 2000 (A-04-01-04000)

FY 2000



January 14, 2000

Review of the National Institutes of Health National Research Service Awards Program and Payback Requirements (A-15-99-80002)

November 18, 1999

Review of the Effectiveness of the National Institutes of Health's Administration of the Small Business Innovation Research Program (A-15-98-00031)

FY 1999 



March 19, 1999

Review of the National Institutes of Health Printing Program (A-15-98-80001)

November 17, 1998

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 1997 (A-04-98-04221)

FY 1997



September 5, 1997

Review of the National Institutes of Health Internal Controls Over Purchase Card Activities (A-15-96-80003)

July 23, 1997

Follow-up on Corrective Actions in Response to the General Accounting Office's Report on the National Institutes of Health Computer Systems (A-15-95-40001)

March 5, 1997

Proposed Changes to the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-21 Regarding the Financial Management of Recharge Centers (A-09-96-04003)

February 3, 1997

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 1995 (A-04-96-04576)

December 16, 1996

Review of the Policies and Procedures for Medical Personnel Credentialing and Privileging at the Indian Health Service, National Institutes of Health, and Health Resources and Services Administration (A-15-94-00006)

FY 1996



July 15, 1996

Compliance with the Prompt Payment Act by the National Institutes of Health (A-15-94-00032)

March 26, 1996

Review Of Recharge Center Controls At The University Of Maryland, College Park (A-03-95-04011)

February 21, 1996

Report on the Audits of the National Institutes of Health's Trust Funds, the Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, and Royalties for Fiscal Year 1994 (A-17-95-00044)

February 5, 1996

Audit of the National Institutes of Health's Use of Heart Surgery Contracts with Private Hospitals (A-15-94-00022) 

November 28, 1995

Review of Recharge Centers at the University of Colorado (A-08-95-00906)

November 27, 1995

Review of Recharge Center Controls at the University of California, San Francisco (A-09-95-04002)

November 9, 1995

Review of Recharge Center Controls at the University of California, Berkeley (A-09-95-04001)

October 24, 1995

Reimbursable Patient Care Costs at the National Institutes of Health's Clinical Center (A-15-92-00011)

FY 1995



September 29, 1995

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 1994 (A-04-95-04551)

September 25, 1995

Review of University Recharge Centers at Washington University (A-07-95-00908)

September 6, 1995

Review of Recharge Centers at the University of Utah (A-08-95-00907)

July 7, 1995

Review of University Recharge Centers at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (A-07-95-00909)

FY 1994



August 8, 1994

Financial Audit of the National Institutes of Health's Service and Supply Fund and Management Fund for Fiscal Year 1993 (A-17-93-00037)

August 2, 1994

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 1992 (A-04-93-04506)

August 2, 1994

Superfund Financial Activities at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for Fiscal Year 1992 (A-04-93-04506)

July 8, 1994

Follow-up Review of Public Health Service Controls Over Technology Transfers and Royalty Income (A-01-94-01502)

June 15, 1994

Underreporting Federal Development in New Technologies Developed at the Scripps Research Institute (A-15-93-00029)

March 23, 1994

Review of the National Institutes of Health's Controls Over Advisory Committees' Potential Conflicts-of-Interest (A-15-93-00020)

FY 1993



August 30, 1993

Need for Improved Financial Reporting and Monitoring Related to National Institutes of Health Research Funds at Universities (A-06-91-00073)

August 6, 1993

Financial Review of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' Use of Superfund Monies (A-04-92-04103)

June 20, 1993

Financial Audit of the National Institutes of Health's Management and Service and Supply Funds (A-15-93-00008)

FY 1992



July 31, 1992

Financial Audit of the National Institutes of Health's Management and Service and Supply Funds (A-15-91-00044)

July 28, 1992

Results of Interviews with Principal Research Investigators Concerning the National Institutes of Health's Award Process (A-06-92-00050)

July 6, 1992

Superfund Financial Activities of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry for Fiscal Year 1990 (A-15-91-00002)

June 23, 1992

Review of Alleged Conflicts-of-Interest in National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on the Treatment of Destructive Behaviors in Persons with Developmental Disabilities (A-15-90-00009)

March 5, 1992

Review of National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Contract for Development of an Artificial Lung (A-15-92-00003)

March 4, 1992

Review of PHS Controls Over Technology Transfers and Royalty Income (A-01-90-01502)

January 28, 1992

Summary of Calendar Year 1991 Audit Activity At Colleges and Universities (A-01-92-04005)

January 3, 1992

Review of Alleged Conflict-of-Interest In Institute of Medicine Study of the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines (A-15-90-00054)

November 21, 1991

Summary Report on Public Health Service Contract Pre-Award Audit Reports Issued During Fiscal Year 1990 (A-02-90-02506)

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