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McMurdo Station and Vicinity Research Projects , 2007–2008

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Listed below are projects conducted by U.S. researchers at or near McMurdo Station during the 2007-2008 austral summer and 2008 winter. Where possible, a link is also provided to the researcher's web site for additional information.

Principal Investigator Project Title
Ainley, David Geographic structure of Adelie Penguin populations: Demography of population change
Web site: http://www.penguinscience.com
NSF award: ANT 04-40643
Albert, Mary Norwegian-United States IPY scientific traverse: Climate variability and glaciology in East Antarctica
Web site: http://traverse.npolar.no
NSF award: ANT 05-38495
Alley, Richard

Collaborative research: Physical properties of the WAIS Divide deep core
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 05-39578

Anadakrishnan, Sridhar IPY: Flow dynamics of two Amundsen Sea glaciers: Thwaites and Pine Island
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-32198
Ananthaswamy, Anil To the edge of reason: Pilgrimages to the holy sites of cosmology
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-37460
Bieber, John Solar and heliospheric studies with antarctic cosmic ray observations
Web site: http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~neutronm/
NSF award: ANT 05-37878
Bindschadler, Robert

IPY: Collaborative Research: Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction in the Amundsen Sea: The Keystone of West Antarctic Stability
Web site: Not available
NSF award:
ANT 07-32906

Blanchette, Robert Studies of antarctic fungi: Adaptive stratigies for survival and protecting Antarctica's historic structures
Web site: http://forestpathology.coafes.umn.edu/antarctica.htm
NSF award: ANT 05-37143
Catania, Ginny Grounding line forensics: The history of grounding line retreat in the Kamb Ice Stream outlet region
Web site: http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research/projects/glf/
NSF award: ANT 05-38120
Dempsey, John Physics and mechanics of the breakup of warm antarctic sea ice: In-situ experiments and modeling
Web site: http://people.clarkson.edu/~john/JPD_Docs

NSF award: ANT 03-38226
Deshler, Terry Measurements addressing the initial stages of ozone recovery, the nucleation of, index of refraction of, and existence of large PSC particles
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 05-38679
DeVries, Arthur Environmental, organismal and evolutionary physiology of freeze avoidance in antarctic Notothenoid fishes
Web Site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-36696
Doran, Peter The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://tigger.uic.edu/~pdoran/home.htm
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Engebretson, Mark Conjugate studies of ULF waves and magnetospheric dynamics using ground-based induction magnetometers at four high-latitude manned sites
Web site:http://www.augsburg.edu/physics/antindex.htm
NSF award: ANT 05-38379
Fabry, Victoria Impacts of elevated pCO2 on a dominant aragonitic pteropod (Thecosomata) and its specialist predator (Gymnosomata) in the Ross Sea
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 05-38710
Farrell, John Michael IPY: Engaging Antarctica
Web site:
NSF award: ANT 06-32175
Fitzpatrick, Joan National Ice Laboratory—Support for the WAIS Divide ice core drilling program
Web site: http://www.waisdivide.unh.edu/
NSF award: NSF/USGS agreement
Fountain, Andrew The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site:http://www.mcmlter.org/
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Fraser-Smith, Antony The operation of an ELF/VLF radiometer at Arrival Heights
Web site: Not available
NSF award:
ANT 06-37005
Garrott, Robert The Interactions of Environmental Variability, Life History Traits, and Demography in an Apex Antarctic Predator
Web site:http://pal.lternet.edu/
NSF award: ANT 06-35739
Gillies, John Dynamics of Aeolian Processes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Web Stie: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-36218
Gogineni, Prasad Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Web site: http://www.cresis.ku.edu
NSF award: ANT 04-24589
Griffin, Ken NASA/McMurdo Ground Station (MGS)
Web site: http://scp.gsfc.nasa.gov/gn/index.htm
NSF award: NSF/NASA agreement
Haines-Stiles, Geoff POLAR-PALOOZA
Web site: http://passporttoknowledge.com/polar-palooza
NSF award: ANT 06-32262
Hall, Brenda Grounding-line retreat in the southern Ross Sea - constraints from Scott Glacier
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-36687
Harpp, Karen Collaborative Research: The transition from subduction to extensional magmatism in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica
Web site:
NSF award:
ANT 06-36269
Harvey, Ralph The Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET)
Web site: http://geology.case.edu/~ansmet/
NSF award: ANT 05-38211
Harwood, David ANDRILL: Investigating Antarctica's role in Cenozoic global environmental change
Web site:http://andrill.org
NSF award: ANT 03-42484
Harwood, David ANDRILL
Web site: http://www.andrill.org
NSF award: ANT 03-42484
Hernandez, Gonzalo Austral high-latitude atmospheric dynamics
Web site: http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/
NSF award: ANT 05-38621
Horning, Markus Collaborative Research: Aging in Weddell Seals: Proximate mechanisms of age-related changes in adaptations to breath-hold hunting in an extreme environment.
Web site:http://mmi.oregonstate.edu/pearl/antarctica
NSF award: ANT 04-40780
Johns, Bjorn UNAVCO GPS survey support
Web site: http://facility.unavco.org/polar
NSF award: EAR 03-21760
Johnson, Bruce Altitude symptoms at the South Pole
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 05-40710
Kannen, Christopher Parhelion pemmican pack-ice pancake: Antarctica compressed on canvas
Web site: http://www.chriskannen.com
NSF award: ANT 06-38404
Kemerait, Robert C. Dry Valley seismic project
Web site: http://www.aftac.gov
Kennicutt, Mahlon Temporal variability in natural and anthropogenic distrubance of McMurdo Station
Web site: http://antarctica.tamu.edu
NSF award: ANT
Kim, Stacy Development of a remotely operated vehicle for under ice research in polar environments
Web site: http://scini.mlml.calstate.edu/
NSF award: ANT 06-19622
Kurz, Mark Periglacial landscape evolution in Antarctic lava flows and glacial tills
Web site:
NSF award:
ANT 06-36629
Kyle, Philip Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory II (MEVO II): Surveillance, models, impacts and outreach
Web site: http://erebus.nmt.edu/
NSF award: ANT 05-38414
Lazzara, Matthew Collaborative research: Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program (AWS): 2007-2010
Web site: http://ice.ssec.wisc.edu/aws.html
NSF award: ANT 06-36873
Lessard, Marc Collaborative Research: Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) - Advancing the vision for global studies
Web site: http://www.space-antarctica.org
NSF award: ANT 06-36874
Linder, Chris IPY: Live from the Poles: A multimedia educational experience
Web site: http://polardiscovery.whoi.edu
NSF award: ANT 06-32219
Lyons, W. Berry The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://www.mcmlter.org
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Manahan, Donal A graduate training program in Antarctica: Integrative biology and adaptation of antarctic marine organisms
Web site: http://antarctica.usc.edu/
NSF award: ANT 05-04072
Marsh, Bruce 3-D dynamics of the Ferrar Magmatic Mush Column, Dry Valleys
Web site: http://silvermagma.eps.jhu.edu
NSF award: ANT 04-40718
Mayewski, Paul A Science Management Office for the United States Component of the International Trans Antarctic Expedition (US ITASE SMO): A collaborative program of research from Taylor Dome to South Pole
Web site: http://www2.umaine.edu/USITASE
NSF award: ANT 04-40679
McKnight, Diane The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://www.mcmlter.org/
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Mitchell, John Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS)
Web site: http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/

NSF award: NSF/NASA Agreeement
Moran, Amy Collaborative Research: Effects of oxygen and temperature on egg mass function of Southern Ocean marine invertebrates
Web site: http://www.clemson.edu/~moran
NSF award: ANT 05-51969
Nyblade, Andrew Collaborative Research: A broadband seismic experiment to image the lithosphere beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica
Web site: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/%7emstuding/AGAP/
NSF award: ANT 05-37371
Oftedal, Olav Capital expenditure, lactation energetics, and the importance of foraging to Weddell seals and their pups
Web site: http://nationalzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/

NSF award: ANT 05-38592
Polli, Andtrea 90ºS
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-37379
Ponganis, Paul The aerobic dive limit: Oxygen transport and depletion in Emperor penguins
Web site: http://antarctic.ucsd.edu
NSF award: ANT 05-38594
Powell, Anthony A time-lapse study of Antarctica
Web site:
NSF award: ANT 06-37614
Prentice, Michael Fluctuations of the West Antarctic Ice-Sheet in relation to lake history in Taylor Valley since the Last Glacial Maximum
Web site: http://mypage.iu.edu/~mlprenti
NSF award: ANT 05-40073
Prescott, William Collaborative research: Development of a power and communication system for remote autonomous GPS and seismic stations in Antarctica
Web site: http://facility.unavco.org/project_support/polar/polar.html
NSF award: ANT 06-19908
Priscu, John Microbial diversity and function in the permanently ice-covered lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Web site: http://www.mcm-dvlakesmo.montana.edu
NSF award: MCB 02-37335
Priscu, John The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://www.homepage.montana.edu/~lkbonney/
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Priscu, John Collaborative Research: IPY-plankton dynamics in the McMurdo Dry Valley Lakes during the transition to polar night
Web site: http://www.homepage.montana.edu/~lkbonney/
NSF award: ANT 06-31494
Rankin, Moira IPY: Pole to Pole
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-32194
Saltzman, Matthew The Permian-Triassic transition in Antarctica: Rate, timing, and pattern of climate change in high latitude Gondwana
Web site: Not available
NSF award
: ANT 06-36824
Seo, Eun-Suk Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM)
Web site: http://cosmicray.umd.edu/cream/cream.html
NSF award: NSF/NASA Agreement
Skidmore, Mark Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of Taylor Glacier basal ice
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-36770
Sletten, Ronald Ground ice dynamics in hyperarid soils of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Web site: http://depts.washington.edu/icylands/
NSF award: ANT 06-36998
Stearns, Charles Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC)
Web site: http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu
NSF award: ANT 05-37827
Stepp, Bill NASA Long Duration Ballooning (LDB)
Web site: http://www.csbf.nasa.gov
NSF award: NSF/NASA Agreement
Szuberla, Curt Operation and Maintenance of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) class infrasound array in Windless Bight
Web site: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/infrasound/
Taylor, Kendrick Investigation of climate, ice dynamics, and biology, using a deep ice core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Web site: http://www.waisdivide.unh.edu
NSF award: ANT 04-40817
Thompson, Linda Wallops Flight Facility component of the CREAM balloon payload
Web site: http://cosmicray.umd.edu/cream/cream.html
NSF award: NSF/NASA Agreement
Tulaczyk, Slawek Collaborative research: Elevation change anomalies in West Antarctica - Do they provide constraints on subglacial water transport beneath ice streams and their tributaries?
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 06-36970
Virginia, Ross The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://mcmlter.org
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Wall, Diana The role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Web site: http://www.nrel.colostate.edu/projects/soil/MCM/index.html
NSF award: ANT 04-23595
Warnick, Wendy IPY: PolarTREC - Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating
Web site: http://www.polartrec.com/
NSF award: ANT 06-32401
Weatherwax, Allan T Studies of the polar ionosphere and magnetosphere from measurements in Antarctica
Web site: http://www.siena.edu/physics/polar/
NSF award: ANT 06-38587
Wefel, John Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC)
Web site: http://atic.phys.lsu.edu/aticweb/
NSF award: NSF/NASA Agreement
Wilch, Thomas Late Cenozoic volcanism and glaciation at Minna Bluff: Implications for antarctic cryosphere history
Web site: Not available
NSF award: ANT 05-38342
Wilson, Terry Collaborative Research: IPY: POLENET-Antarctica: Investigating Links between Geodynamics and Ice Sheets
Web site: http://www.polenet.org
NSF award: ANT 06-32322
Zesta, Eftyhia South American Meridional B-Field Array (SAMBA): An American-Chilean chain
Web site: http://samba.atmos.ucla.edu
NSF award: ANT 06-36939

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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008
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Last Updated: Jul 10, 2008