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The NOAA Air Resources Laboratory's Climate Variability and Trends Group studies daily to multi-decadal variations in the climate system, with a focus on analysis of observational data and with particular attention to data quality. We also investigate aspects of climate variability that impact human health and environmental quality, including stratospheric ozone, air quality, and climate extremes. We invite you to learn more about our research on the web or by contacting us.

The main product of our work is an improved understanding of the nature of climate variations and change. Our results are reported in scientific publications. As a result of our research, we produce climate datasets with improved data quality and homogeneity that we make publicly available for use by other scientists. We actively contribute to national and international scientific assessments, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the US Climate Change Science Program's synthesis and assessment products, and various SPARC (Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate) Assessment Reports.

We collaborate with colleagues around the world to enhance the scope and quality of our work. Current collaborations include scientists from other NOAA Research Laboratories, NOAA National Weather Service, NOAA/NESDIS National Climatic Data Center, NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, other Federal laboratories, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Illinois State Water Survey, various U.S. universities, as well as colleagues in the United Kingdom, China, and Russia.


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