The Interagency Committee on Disability Research Annual Report to the President and Congress

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) facilitates the effective exchange of information on disability and rehabilitation research activities among its 70-plus member agencies. It coordinates activities that span the areas of assistive technology and universal design; medical rehabilitation; data and statistics; employment; and community participation.


  • Collects input from stakeholders to inform planning;
  • Identifies emerging research areas;
  • Assesses gaps and duplications in existing research; and
  • Makes recommendations to strengthen the federal research agenda.

The ICDR annual report addresses the mission of the ICDR, as established in legislation. During the reporting period identified, the ICDR works to further interagency committee participation through expansion of its operational structure to include subcommittees on disability statistics, medical rehabilitation, technology, employment and the New Freedom Initiative.

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2004-06 Annual Report

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Last Modified: 12/14/2007