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photo: county crews respond to November snow

Snow snarls travel

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<<Sounds of worker dropping salt bag>>

Narrator Says:

There’s been no time to rest for King County road crews since the snow started falling Sunday night.

<<Sounds of worker shifting gears>>

Narrator Says:

It’s been a 24-hour effort, 12 hours on 12 hours off for many crews. A schedule that may last into Wednesday night. Loading empty sanders and sending them back out to tend to the icy roads all over the county.

Scott Baker’s part of the crew out at the Issaquah Maintenance Facility, one of nine sites in the county at work against the snow and ice. He describes the conditions Monday night.

King County Road Crew Worker Scott Baker Says:

Most of the Seahawk traffic was stuck out here, so there wasn’t any place to go, the dayshift just had a terrible time with the heavy snow that came down, so once we actually got out on the road last night, it wasn’t bad, the snow stopped coming down so we just spent the night clearing roads.

<<Sounds of truck driving by>>

Narrator Says:

The 32 county trucks that can sand and plow are a sight for sore eyes for county residents, including those in Issaquah who had to abandon their cars on this hill on Issaquah/Fall City road.

Even the 50,000 pound sander Scott was driving couldn’t make it up the hill. He says even with all the equipment at his disposal, it’s a constant battle against the elements.

King County Road Crew Worker Scott Baker Says:

We take over somewhere in here, I'm going to go ahead and knock in the sanding unit, and we got the blade down, the blade won’t do much for the ice, it won’t cut through it, I'm just knocking some of the excess off the top.

<<Sounds of worker slamming sander gate>>

Narrator Says:

In the coming days with more snow predicted, the work will continue for crews all over the county. Scott says with all the progress they’re making, the reactions are mixed.

Interviewer Asks:

You get a pretty positive reaction, don't you?

King County Road Crew Worker Scott Baker Says:

Yeah you get a lot of happy people when you’re coming through, the kids aren’t real thrilled about it (laughter).

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Updated:  June 23, 2008

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