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Text transcript of the video "New Elliott Bridge"

Icon:  MultimediaWatch this video clip (Real Media) Length: 2:15

Icon:  Multimedia Watch this video clip (Windows Media) Length: 2:15

Narrator says:

It was a day for local residents to get their first look at the new Elliott Bridge….and a lot of them took advantage of the opportunity. The new bridge is longer. wider and safer, for pedestrians and traffic. It’s expected to handle some 14,000 vehicles a day.

Ron Sims/King County Executive says:

We built the new Elliot Bridge because the old bridge was expensive to maintain and had reached the end of its useful life. It was also a dangerous bridge to drive.  The old alignment had a curved approach with a high accident rate on the north side. We needed a new bridge that could serve area residents for another 75-to-85 years. It was a challenging project, there were many environmental and design issues to address, issues that were solved by some of the best minds in the public and the private sector.

Narrator says:

Construction of the new Elliott Bridge also bodes well for the area of the Cedar River it spans. King County used the opportunity to improve stream flow and salmon habitat in the area.

Ron Sims/King County Executive says:

With this project, not only did we get a beautiful new bridge, we also made some great improvements to the habitat along the Cedar River near the bridge. As part of the bridge project, two new stream confluences and fish passable culverts were constructed for two adjacent creeks crossed by Jones Road.  Once the project is fully complete, one of those streams, Stewart Creek, will flow through a new open channel rather than through an 800-foot pipe system where it presently flows. Once again our talented friends in the Roads Division have proven that what's good for motorists can also be good for the environment.

Narrator says:

Executive Sims helped facilitate the first official crossing of the bridge, as local residents drove classic mustangs to the mid point. And as the pedestrians cleared and the bridge barricades were removed, traffic was already lined up and ready to begin using the new bridge.

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Updated:  October 11, 2005

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