Science for the 21st Century

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Department of Energy,
Office of Science

Invest in and Accelerate the Transformation of Science into National Benefits

The Department of Energy (DOE) is actively engaged in transferring the results of our basic research to other agencies and the private sector for development and application.  Collaborations between the National Laboratories, universities and industry are fostered and supported. Consortia of businesses have long worked with DOE to improve the energy efficiency and environmental impact of their industry and products. Investments in small business innovation research and technology development are linked with program goals to the mutual benefit of the program and this critical source of innovation for the Nation.

Interagency collaborations help to leverage investments in facilities and core competencies and identify new applications for DOE technologies and research.  For example, a partnership between DOE Laboratories, the National Institutes of Health, a private company and two universities is helping to bring sight to those blinded by retinitis pigmentosa by developing an artificial retina. In addition, DOE efforts in plasma science directly contributed to the development of flat, thin plasma displays and DOE materials and chemistry research led to lighter, longer-lasting batteries.


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