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Basic Energy Sciences
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The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program is a principal sponsor of fundamental research for the Nation in the areas of materials sciences and engineering, chemistry, geosciences, and bioscience as it relates to energy. This research underpins the DOE missions in energy, environment, and national security; advances energy-related basic science on a broad front; and provides unique user facilities for the scientific community and industry.

Through the DOE’s Office of Science the BES program supports geosciences, chemistry, molecular biosciences, and basic research in material sciences and engineering.  In 2002 the BES program funded research in more than 166 scholarly institutions and 13 DOE laboratories.  In addition, BES supports various top-notch user facilities including three neutron scattering facilities and four synchrotron radiation light sources.  Every year approximately 8,000 researchers utilize these facilities and perform experiments. 


Office of Basic Energy Sciences

BES Program Highlights

The Beauty of Nanoscale Science

Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Research

National Nanotechnology Initiative

BES poster


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