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Data Set Name Investigators Location / Domain Period of Record
Historic isotopic temperature record from the Vostok ice core J.R. Petit et al. Vostok Station, Antarctica 420,000 years BP - present
Deuterium Record in an Ice Core from Dome C, Antarctica J. Jouzel Dome C, Antarctica 740,000 years BP - present
Global and hemispheric temperature anomalies -
land and marine instrumental records
P.D. Jones et al. Globe, N. Hemisphere, S. Hemisphere 1856 - 2005
NASA GISS Surface Temperature (GISTEMP) Analysis J.E. Hansen et al. Globe, N. Hemisphere, S. Hemisphere,
N. Extratropics, Tropics, and S. Extratropics
1880 - 2005
Radiosonde Temperature Anomalies
in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
for the Globe, Hemispheres, and Latitude Zones
A.M. Sterin Globe, N. Extratropics,
Tropics, and S. Extratropics
1958 - 2005
Monthly surface air temperature time series
area-averaged over the 30-degree latitudinal belts
of the globe
K.M. Lugina et al. Globe, N. Hemisphere, S. Hemisphere,
and six 30-degree latitude belts
1881 - 2005
Global, hemispheric, and zonal temperature
deviations derived from radiosonde records
J.K. Angell Globe, N. Hemisphere, S. Hemisphere,
and 7 zonally-averaged latitude bands
1958 - 2005
HadAT: globally gridded radiosonde temperature anomalies
(Note: the above link takes you to the U.K. Met. Office website.)
P.W. Thorne et al. Globe, Tropics, 5° latitude by 10° longitude grid boxes,
and 5° zonally-averaged latitude bands

1958 - present

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