
Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Hydraulic Cement Production, and Gas Flaring for 1995 on a One Degree Grid Cell Basis

Prepared by

Antoinette L. Brenkert

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6335

Date Published: February 1998 (Revised for the Web: 2003)



Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Hydraulic
Cement Production, and Gas Flaring for 1995 on a One Degree Grid Cell
(March 1998)

Antoinette L. Brenkert

This data package presents the gridded (one degree latitude by one degree longitude) summed emissions from fossil-fuel burning, hydraulic cement production and gas flaring for 1995. Analogous to the data presented in NDP-058 (which includes estimates for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, and 1990), national emission estimates from the 1995 United Nations Energy Statistics Database (U.N., 1997), hydraulic cement production estimates from the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Mines (USDO,1995), and supplemental data on gas flaring from the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration were processed by Marland et al. (1997) following the methods of Marland and Rotty (1984). The only change in the methodology used to calculate the national CO2 emission estimates for 1995 was the implementation of separate carbon coefficients for soft and hard coal; the emissions estimates in NDP058 were calculated using a single carbon coefficient to characterize the carbon content of all coals. To distribute the national emission estimates from 1995 within each country, the population data base developed by Li (1996a) and documented by CDIAC (DB1016: Li, 1996) was used as proxy. Previously, Andres et al. (1996) had used a 1984 human population data set (Goddard Institute of Space Studies, Lerner et al., 1988) as proxy for gridding the 1950 through 1990 emission estimates within countries. The structure of the gridded 1995 emission data file differs, consequently, from the1950-1990 gridded emission files (CDIAC: NDP-058) in that individual grid cells may have been partitioned into more than one country analogous to Li's population data base. A country's representation in a grid cell is quantified by the percentage of that country's land area in a particular grid cell and identified by its United Nations identification code. The percentages and United Nations identification codes were used to allocate the national CO2 emissions estimates to the grid cells. Only those grid cells with a United Nations identification code, population estimate and carbon emission estimate are listed in the data file. Grid cells representing more than one country are repeated for each country represented. Note that to calculate national estimates from the data file, one has to sum by United Nations identification code. To calculate emissions for each grid cell or by latitude one has to sum by grid cell (latitude and longitude), or by latitude, respectively. A number of manipulations of Li's population data base were necessary (and documented) to properly distribute the national 1995 CO2 emission estimates over each country's grid cells.

Map: Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates

(Map by Richard Olson and Holly Gibbs, ORNL/ESD)

Documentation file for Data Base NDP-058a (2-1998)

This data package presents the gridded (one degree latitude by one degree longitude) summed emissions from fossil-fuel burning, hydraulic cement production and gas flaring for 1995.  Analogous to the data presented in NDP-058 (which includes estimates for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, and 1990), national emission estimates from the 1995 United Nations Energy Statistics Database (U.N., 1997), hydraulic cement production estimates from the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Mines (USDO, 1995), and supplemental data on gas flaring from the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration were processed by Marland et al. (1997) following the methods of Marland and Rotty (1984). The only change in the methodology used to calculate the national CO2 emission estimates for 1995 was the implementation of separate carbon coefficients for soft and hard coal; the emissions estimates in NDP058 were calculated using a single carbon coefficient to characterize the carbon content of all coals. To distribute the national emission estimates from 1995 within each country, the population data base developed by Li (1996a) and documented by CDIAC (DB1016: Li, 1996) was used as proxy. Previously, Andres et al. (1996) had used a 1984 human population dataset (Goddard Institute of Space Studies, Lerner et al., 1988) as proxy for gridding the 1950 through 1990 emission estimates within countries. The structure of the gridded 1995 emission data file differs, consequently, from the 1950-1990 gridded emission files (CDIAC: NDP-058) in that individual grid cells may have been partitioned into more than one country analogous to Li's population data base.  A country's representation in a grid cell is quantified by the percentage of that country's land area in a particular grid cell and identified by its United Nations identification code. The percentages and United Nations identification codes were used to allocate the national CO2 emissions estimates to the grid cells.  Only those grid cells with a United Nations identification code, population estimate and carbon emission estimate are listed in the data file.  Grid cells representing more than one country are repeated for each country represented. Note that to calculate national estimates from the data file, one has to sum by United Nations identification code.  To calculate emissions for each grid cell or by latitude one has to sum by grid cell (latitude and longitude), or by latitude, respectively.  A number of manipulations of Li's population data base were necessary (and documented) to properly distribute the national 1995 CO2 emission estimates over each country's grid cells.

The data base contains:

  1. Documentation on the 1995 gridded carbon dioxide (CO2) emission data (in units of 1000 metric tons C per year per one degree latitude by one degree longitude grid cell).
  2. Detailed data file description.
  3. FORTRAN program to read the gridded CO2 emission data file.
  4. SAS code to read the gridded CO2 emission data file.
  5. Simple summary statistics.
  6. CDIAC's quality assurance checks.
  7. Instructions on how to obtain the data and documentation.
  8. References.

(A)        Documentation

Analogous to the data presented in NDP-058 (which includes estimates for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, and 1990; Andres et al., 1996b),this document presents the summed emissions from fossil-fuel burning, hydraulic cement production and gas flaring for 1995.  National CO2 emission estimates derived from the 1995 United Nations Energy  Statistics Database (U.N., 1997), hydraulic cement production estimates compiled by the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Mines (USDO,  1995), and supplemental data on gas flaring obtained from the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration were processed by Marland et al. (1997)following the methods of Marland and Rotty (1984). The only change in the methodology used to calculate the  national CO2 emission estimates for 1995 was the implementation of  separate carbon coefficients for soft and hard coal; the emissions estimates in NDP058 were calculated using a single carbon coefficient to characterize the carbon content of all coals.

 To distribute the national emission estimates from 1995 within each  country, the population data base developed by Li (1996a) and documented by CDIAC (DB1016: Li, 1996b) was used as proxy.  Previously, Andres et al. (1996a) had used a 1984 human population data set (Goddard Institute of Space Studies, Lerner et al., 1988) as proxy for gridding the 1950 through 1990 emission estimates within countries.  The structure of the gridded 1995 emission data file differs,  consequently, from the 1950-1990 gridded emission files (CDIAC: NDP-058) in that individual grid cells may have been partitioned  into more than one country analogous to Li's population data base.  A country's representation in a grid cell is quantified by the percentage of that country's land area in a particular grid cell and  identified by its United Nations identification code. The percentages and United Nations identification codes were used to allocate the  national CO2 emissions estimates to the grid cells.  Only those grid cells with a United Nations identification code, population estimate  and carbon emission estimate are listed in the data file. Grid cells  representing more than one country are repeated for each country represented.  Note that to calculate national estimates from the data file, one has to sum by United Nations identification code. To calculate emissions for each grid cell or by latitude one has to sum by grid cell (latitude and longitude), or by latitude, respectively.

 A number of manipulations of Li's population data base were necessary to properly distribute the national 1995 CO2 emission estimates.  When CO2 emission estimates were available for locations not represented in Li's population data base (DB1016) we added those locations and calculated the representation (percentage) of the added country as grid cell information. The following seven sections summarize the changes:

        1) Li's alphanumeric identification codes were converted to numeric
        codes, and to United Nations codes where possible:
               C04 to 904 Canary-Islands
               B03 to 903 Jersey
               B02 to 902 Gaza-Strip
               B01 to 901 Guernsey
               B10 to 910 Israeli-occ-ter.
               C11 to 911 St.-Martin
               C16 to   0 Ocean
               C07 to 579 Jan-Mayen, to add to Norway
               B07 to 654 St.-Helena

        2) A number of Li's identification codes were changed to match the
        energy statistics UN codes:
               250 to 251: France, to include Monaco
               380 to 382: Italy, to include San Marino
               578 to 579: Jan-Mayen, to be included with Norway
               744 to 579: Svalbard, to be include in Norway
               414 to 415: Kuwait, to include part of the Neutral Zone
               682 to 684: Saudi Arabia, to include part of the Neutral Zone
               886 to 887: Yemen (UN code 886) and
               720 to 887: Democratic Yemen (UN code 720) merged on 22 May,
                       1990 to form a single state (UN code 887);
               756 to 757: Liechtenstein, to join Switzerland
                       (percentages had to be adjusted)
               583 to 316: for Guam
               584 to 582: for Carolina, Mariana, and Marshall Islands, but
                       excluding Guam
               585 to 582: for Carolina, Mariana, and Marshall Islands, but
                       excluding Guam
               580 to 582: for Carolina, Mariana, and Marshall Islands, but
                       excluding Guam

        3) A number of locations and UN identification codes were added:
               659 added: St-Kitts, 1 grid cell
                       (lat=17.5 and long=-62.5; perc=100)
               570 added: Niue, 2 grid cells
                       (lat=-18.5 and long=-169.5,
                        lat=-19.5 and long=-169.5; perc=50)
               462 added: Maldives, 3 grid cells
                       (lat=2.5 and long=73.5,
                        lat=3.5 and long=73.5,
                        lat=4.5 and long=73.5; perc=33.3)
               184 added: Cook Island, 5 grid cells
                       (lat=-19.5 and long=-159.5,
                        lat=-19.5 and long=-158.5,
                        lat=-19.5 and long=-157.5,
                        lat=-18.5 and long=-162.5,
                        lat=-18.5 and long=-159.5; perc=20)
               016 added: American Samoa, 1 grid cell
                       (lat=-14.5 and long=-171.5; perc=100)
               666 added: St Pierre, 1 grid cell
                       (lat=45.5 and long=-55.5; perc=100)
               872 added: Wake island, 1 grid cell
                       (lat=18.5 and long=166.5; perc=100)
               520 added: Nauru, 1 grid cell
                       (lat=-0.5 and long=167.5; perc=100)

        4) Czechoslovakia (formerly with UN-id 200) was split and
               percentages adjusted:
               203: Czech Republic for cells west 17 of degrees E and north of
                       49 degrees N at 17.5 degrees E (perc=100.*perc/59.643).
               703: Slovakia for cells east of 18 E and south of 49 degrees N
                       at 17.5 degrees E (perc=100.*perc/40.355).

        5) The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (formerly with
               UN-id 890) was split and percentages adjusted:
               70: Bosnia (perc=perc*100/15.169)
                       long=16.5 and lat=44.5
                       long=17.5 and lat le 44.5 and lat ge 43.5
                       long=18.5 and lat le 44.5 and lat ge 43.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=43.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=44.5
               807: Macedonia (perc=perc*100/9.461)
                       long ge 21.5 and lat le 41.5
                       long=22.5 and lat=42.5
               705: Slovenia (perc=perc*100/8.088)
                       long le 14.5 and lat ge 44.5
                       long=15.5 and lat=46.5
               191: Croatia (perc=perc*100/17.023)
                       long=14.5 and lat= 44.5
                       long=15.5 and lat le 45.5
                       long=16.5 and lat ge 45.5
                       long=16.5 and lat= 43.5
                       long=17.5 and lat=42.5
                       long=17.5 and lat ge 45.5
                       long=18.5 and lat= 45.5
                       long=18.5 and lat=45.5
               891: Yugoslavia (perc=perc*100/50.262)
                       long=18.5 and lat=42.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=41.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=42.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=45.5
                       long=19.5 and lat=46.5
                       long=21.5 and lat=42.5
                       long ge 21.5 and lat ge 43.5

        (6) A number of population percentages were adjusted slightly in order
        to complete the distribution of all national CO2 estimates (i.e., so
        that the sum of all grid cells equals more closely the sum of the
        national totals) (note that only the first four adjustment caused
        significant improvement in the national fossil-fuel estimates):
               Country                                        Adjustment factor
               Russian Federation (3307 cells):    100/99.8969
               United States (1310 cells):            100/99.9478
               China (1075 cells):                       100/99.9673
               Brazil (799 cells):                          100/99.9885
               Australia (790 cells):                     100/99.9687
               India (356 cells):                           100/99.9841
               Kazakhstan (404 cells):                 100/99.9850
               Mexico (243 cells):                       100/99.9863
               Iran (195 cells):                             100/99.9868
               Indonesia (316 cells):                    100/99.9871
               Canada (2086 cells):                      100/99.9972

        (7) Antarctic and ocean cells were deleted.

(B)     Detailed data file (ff95.dat) description

        Parameter        columns
        lat                      1-6
        long                  8-13
        ff95                 16-23
        popli                26-35
        perc                 38-46
        unid                 48-50
        name                53-72


lat and long indicate the center point of a grid cell in decimal degrees.

ff95 is the 1995 grid cell CO2 emission estimate from fossil-fuel burning,
        cement production, and gas flaring expressed in thousand metric tons

popli is Li's (1996b) population estimate for a grid cell for a specific

perc is the percentage of the national population of a country represented in
        a grid cell.

unid is the United Nations identification code.

name is the name of the country as identified by Li (1996b).

Note: the data can easily be retrieved into spreadsheet software, given that
the data are arranged in space delimited columns.

(C)     FORTRAN program to read the gridded CO2emission data file.

       Program readff95
c double precision to avoid round-off errors
       real*8 lat,long,popli,ff95,percr,spop,sff95,sperc
       character*20 name
c prepare for summations:
       do 100 i=1,19969
10     format(f6.1,x,f6.1,2x,f8.2,2x,e10.0,2x,f8.4,2x,f3.1,2x,a20)
100   continue
911   continue
c write summations to screen:
      write(*,*) 'sperc=',sperc
      write(*,*) 'sff95=',sff95
      write(*,*) 'lines read=',i

 spop=   5291059610.00000
 sperc=   22099.6375999998
 sff95=   6172868.54000011
 lines read=       19969

(D)     SAS code to read the gridded CO2 emission data file.

        data fin;
        infile 'ff95.dat';
        input  @1 lat 6.1 @8long 6.1 @16 ff95 8.2  @26 popli 10.
        @38 perc 8.4 @48 unid 3.@53 name $char20.;
        proc sort;
        by unid;
        proc means noprint;
        by unid;
        var perc ff95 popli;
        id name;
        output out=sums sum=spercsff95 spop;
        data sums;
        set sums;
        file 'out';
        put @10 unid 3. @15 name$char20. @37 _freq_ 4. @43 sff95 8.1
        @53 sperc 8.4 @64 spop 10.;

The file 'out' is printed as section (E)

(E)     Summary statistics concerning the data file:

       UN-id  name                 # of  National     total       total
                                  cells  emission    summed   population
                                        estimates percentage   estimates
                                         for 1995            (Li, 1996b)

           4 Afghanistan            92     338.7   99.9977    16556000
           8 Albania                 8     503.8   99.9970     3250001
          12 Algeria               251   24907.5   99.9952     24960006
          16 American-Samoa          1      74.5  100.0000           0
          20 Andorra                 1       0.0  100.0000       55300
          24 Angola                131    1255.5   99.9985     9194019
         660 Anguilla                2       0.0  100.0000        6900
          28 Antigua-and-Barbuda      1     87.9  100.0000        65000
          32 Argentina             345   35330.6   99.9900     32321997
          51 Armenia                15     996.3  100.0000     3373239
         533  Aruba                   3     491.5  100.0000       61000
          36 Australia             790   79096.7   99.9943     17065026
          40 Austria                22   16180.2  100.0078      7712003
          31 Azerbaijan             21   11619.7   99.9970     7138480
          44 Bahamas                13     466.1  100.0038      255000
          48 Bahrain                 2    4047.8  100.0010      503000
          50 Bangladesh             27    5713.1   99.9960    113684002
          52 Barbados                2     224.7  100.0000      257000
         112  Belarus                46   16184.4   99.9961     10197931
          56 Belgium                12   28333.9  100.0000      9934999
          84 Belize                  7     113.0  100.0040      189000
         204  Benin                  18     173.1  100.0004     4621998
          60 Bermuda                 1     123.9  100.0000       61000
          64 Bhutan                 13      65.1   99.9920     1539000
          68 Bolivia               122    2858.9   99.9974     7171003
          70 Bosnia-Herzegovina       7    503.2  100.0000      3608983
          72 Botswana               64     611.9   99.9946     1238001
          76 Brazil                799   68012.4   99.9942    149041985
          96 Brunei                  2    2246.8  100.0000      257000
         100  Bulgaria               22   15475.5  100.0080      8991000
         854  Burkina                38     261.2   99.9972     8993000
         108  Burundi                 6      58.1  100.0040     5492001
         116  Cambodia               27     136.4  100.0006     8336002
         120  Cameroon               61    1130.5   99.9955    11523998
         124  Canada               2086  118927.3   99.9972     26646873
         904  Canary-Islands          4       0.0    0.0000           0
         132  Cape-Verde              2      31.0  100.0000      363000
         136  Cayman-Islands          3      83.7  100.0000       25500
         140  Central-African-Rep.   70      64.5   99.9946     3007998
         148  Chad                  131      25.9  100.0009     5552996
         152  Chile                 135   12036.7   99.9953     13173003
         156  China                1075  871310.9   99.9965   1130311683
         170  Colombia              130   18428.6   99.9952     32299987
         174  Comoros                 1      18.4  100.0000      543000
         178  Congo                  47     346.3   99.9982     2228998
         184 Cook-Isl.               5       5.9  100.0000           0
         188  Costa-Rica             11    1428.2  100.0000     3034999
         191  Croatia                10    4643.7  100.0012     4049911
         192  Cuba                   27    7933.5  100.0043     10608001
         196  Cyprus                  5    1413.4  100.0010      702000
         203  Czech-Republic         16   30581.3  100.0016      9341567
         208  Denmark                16   14976.1  100.0052      5139999
         262  Djibouti                5     101.3  100.0000      440001
         212  Dominica                1      21.8  100.0000       72000
         214  Dominican-Republic      8    3212.1  100.0110     7170000
         218  Ecuador                34    6176.9  100.0014     10547002
         818  Egypt                 117   25020.6   99.9912     52425996
         222  El-Salvador             6    1415.9   99.9970     5172000
         226  Equatorial-Guinea       7      36.0   99.9990      351999
         233  Estonia                18    4487.8   99.9964     1580040
         230  Ethiopia              130     962.1   99.9930    49830992
         238  Falkland-Islands        7      11.2  100.0000        2000
         234 Faroe-Islands           1     169.1  100.0000       48000
         242  Fiji                    7     200.9  100.0060      731000
         246  Finland                88   13922.1   99.9929     4986000
         251  France                 90   92813.4   99.9952     56735007
         254  French-Guiana          14     237.8   99.9994       98001
         258  French-Polynesia        2     153.2  100.0000      198000
         266  Gabon                  36     967.2  100.0023     1159001
         270  Gambia                  4      58.6   99.9980      861000
         902  Gaza-Strip              1       0.0  100.0000      624000
         268  Georgia                20    2113.6  100.0002     5463671
         276  Germany                64  227924.4  100.0020     79364991
         288  Ghana                  34    1104.4  100.0005     15020001
         292  Gibraltar               1      62.0  100.0000       31047
         300  Greece                 39   20821.4  100.0061     10089000
         304  Greenland             770     137.4   99.9999       55559
         308  Grenada                 1      46.1  100.0000       91000
         312  Guadeloupe              1     416.4  100.0000      390000
         320  Guatemala              18    1961.9   99.9978     9197001
         901  Guernsey                1       0.0  100.0000       57000
         324  Guinea                 35     294.7   99.9981     5755003
         624  Guinea-Bissau           8      62.8  100.0030      964000
         328  Guyana                 30     254.5   99.9990      796002
         332  Haiti                   7     174.3  100.0050     6486000
         340  Honduras               18    1052.1  100.0092     5137998
         344  Hong-Kong               2    8459.0  100.0000     5705000
         348  Hungary                20   15249.6   99.9973     10361000
         910 Israeli-occ-terr.      1       0.0  100.0000     1584700
         352  Iceland                40     492.0   99.9973      254994
         356  India                 356  248016.9   99.9965    846190994
         360  Indonesia             316   80821.2   99.9974    184282991
         364  Iran                  195   71987.3   99.9982     58266982
         368  Iraq                   61   27018.3   99.9955     18079998
         536  Iraq-Saudi-Arabia-N.    5       0.0    0.0000           0
         372  Ireland                20    8797.5   99.9910     3503001
         376  Israel                  9   12640.8   99.9900     4644999
         382  Italy                  70  111890.8   99.9963     57661000
         384  Ivory-Coast            40    2827.5   99.9955    11980002
         388  Jamaica                 5    2470.5  100.0080     2402999
         392  Japan                  81  307523.8  100.0011    123536998
         903  Jersey                  1       0.0  100.0000       84000
         400  Jordan                 17    3632.0  100.0050     3282000
         398  Kazakhstan            404   60447.5   99.9975     16744198
         404  Kenya                  67    1824.2   99.9980    23584999
         296  Kiribati                2       5.9  100.0000       71000
         415  Kuwait                  6   13297.5  100.0020      2143000
         417  Kyrgyzstan             42    1490.8  100.0035     4412880
         418  Laos                   38      84.4  100.0046     4202002
         428  Latvia                 21    2542.9   99.9957     2682306
         422  Lebanon                 4    3641.3   99.9980     2740000
         426  Lesotho                 8       0.0  100.0000     1747001
         430  Liberia                17      87.1  100.0004     2574999
         434  Libya                 173   10753.4   99.9944     4545007
         440  Lithuania              21    4043.0   99.9997     3727035
         442  Luxembourg              3    2527.9  100.0000      414000
         446  Macau                   1     335.7  100.0000      463000
         807  Macedonia               4    2934.3  100.0000     2250871
         450  Madagascar             72     306.5  100.0030    12009996
         454  Malawi                 21     197.8  100.0080     9581999
         458  Malaysia               52   29095.7  100.0033     17891003
         462  Maldives                3      50.2   99.9000           0
         466  Mali                  138     126.7   99.9943     9214001
         470  Malta                   1     470.9  100.0000      354000
         474  Martinique              2     556.4  100.0000      361000
         478  Mauritania            114     837.3  100.0000     2024001
         480  Mauritius               1     407.0  100.0000     1075000
         175 Mayotte                 1       0.0  100.0000       94300
         484  Mexico                243   97662.1   99.9977     84486010
         316  Micronesia              3    1128.6  100.0000      111000
         498  Moldova                14    2951.9  100.0015     4366792
         492  Monaco                  1       0.0  100.0000       29800
         496  Mongolia              234    2308.0   99.9951     2189973
         500  Montserrat              1      11.7  100.0000       12400
         504  Morocco                60    7994.7   99.9951    25061003
         508  Mozambique            101     270.8   99.9999    14200010
         104  Myanmar                91    1919.5   99.9956    41825003
         516  Namibia                94       0.0   99.9968     1438997
         520  Nauru                   1      37.7  100.0000           0
         524  Nepal                  28     417.5   99.9890    19570999
         528  Netherlands            14   37089.8   99.9920     14944000
         530  Netherlands-Antilles    2    1761.6  100.0000      175000
         540  New-Caledonia           9     468.0  100.0030      168001
         554  New-Zealand            60    7489.0   99.9998     3329998
         558  Nicaragua              20     737.5  100.0033     3675999
         562  Niger                 130     305.1   99.9930     7730998
         566  Nigeria               100   24757.4   99.9937    108541998
         570 Niue                    2       0.8  100.0000           0
         408  North-Korea            27   70138.3   99.9997     21771002
         579  Norway                153   19774.1   99.9991     4242011
         512  Oman                   45    3116.5   99.9980     1524000
         586  Pakistan              115   23294.5   99.9943    118121999
         582  Palau-Islands           6      65.3  100.0000       15100
         591  Panama                 15    1882.4  100.0006     2418001
         598  Papua-New-Guinea       70     677.5   99.9945     3875001
         600  Paraguay               53    1036.2  100.0020     4277001
         604  Peru                  145    8340.4   99.9946    21549997
         608  Philippines            69   16690.5   99.9940     62437000
         612  Pitcairn                1       0.0  100.0000          61
         616  Poland                 57   92258.2   99.9974     38118994
         620  Portugal               16   14172.0   99.9990     9868001
         630  Puerto-Rico             4    4239.9  100.0080     3530000
         634  Qatar                   5    7920.6  100.0030      427001
         638  Reunion                 2     424.5  100.0000      604000
         642  Romania                44   33050.0  100.0014     23207000
         643  Russian-Federation   3307  496181.9   99.9922    148546837
         646  Rwanda                  5     133.6  100.0000     7027001
         674  San-Marino              1       0.0    0.0000           0
         678  Sao-Tome                2      20.9  100.0000      119000
         684  Saudi-Arabia          211   69389.0   99.9960     14870010
         686  Senegal                28     836.4  100.0078     7326997
         690  Seychelles              1      44.4  100.0000       71000
         694  Sierra-Leone           12     120.6  100.0000     4150998
         702  Singapore               1   17377.1  100.0000      2710000
         703  Slovakia               15   10381.1   99.9971     6319435
         705  Slovenia                7    3196.1   99.9865     1924022
          90 Solomon-Islands         16     43.5  100.0062       319999
         706  Somalia                80       3.1  100.0006     8677003
         710  South-Africa          153   83455.7   99.9918     37958996
         410  South-Korea            19  101957.7   99.9951     43377000
         724  Spain                  82   63211.7  100.0019     38958995
         144  Sri-Lanka              12    1606.5   99.9965    17217000
         659  St-Kitts-(81-)          1      26.0  100.0000           0
         666  St-Pierre               1      19.3  100.0000           0
         654  St.-Helena              1       1.7  100.0000        7100
         662  St.-Lucia               3      51.9  100.0000      133000
         911  St.-Martin             1       0.0    0.0000           0
         670  St.-Vincent             1      34.3  100.0000      107000
         736  Sudan                 246     955.0   99.9918    25202978
         740  Suriname               17     587.0   99.9950      422001
         748  Swaziland               6     123.8  100.0000      751000
         752  Sweden                106   12168.8   99.9930     8565999
         757  Switzerland            13   10603.7   99.9982     6740452
         760  Syria                  33   12561.5  100.0028     12355001
         762 Tadzhikistan           37    1021.0  100.0028     5359952
         158  Taiwan                  8   47538.4   99.9983     20352966
         834  Tanzania               97     665.8   99.9954    25993015
         764  Thailand               74   47773.0   99.9990     54676995
         768  Togo                   13     203.3   99.9950     3530998
         776  Tonga                   1      28.5  100.0000       96000
         780  Trinidad                2    4669.5   99.9980     1236000
         788  Tunisia                28    4178.2   99.9972     8057002
         792  Turkey                109   45281.6   99.9974     55991002
         795  Turkmenistan           76    7733.0   99.9953     3714270
         796 Turks-Caicos-Isl.      2       0.0  100.0000       12350
         800  Uganda                 33     284.8   99.9991    17560001
         804  Ukraine               107  119594.5   99.9959     51938119
         784  United-Arab-Emirates   17   18643.1  100.0040      1588998
         826  United-Kingdom         58  147956.0   99.9948     57620998
         840  United-States        1310   1407257   99.9946    248769679
         858  Uruguay                26    1467.9   99.9936     3093999
         860  Uzbekistan             80   26985.7   99.9988     20702528
         548  Vanuatu                 6      16.7   99.9960      149999
         862  Venezuela             106   49190.0   99.9931     19320998
         704  Vietnam                57    8654.2   99.9990    66687999
          92 Virgin-Islands-(UK)      1     14.2  100.0000        16600
         850  Virgin-Islands-(USA)    1    3121.5  100.0000      107000
         872 Wake-Isl.               1      16.8  100.0000           0
         732  Western-Sahara         35      57.0   99.9960      158000
         882  Western-Samoa           2      36.0  100.0000      160000
         887  Yemen                  55    3932.8   99.9972    11684005
         891 Yugoslovia             18    9015.8   99.9975    11957216
         180  Zaire                 232     572.6   99.9922    37390987
         894  Zambia                 90     655.9   99.9912     8137997
         716  Zimbabwe               47    2656.6   99.9940     9947006

Total # lines in data file:    19969
Total 1995 CO2 emissions:      6172868.6(1000 metric tons C)
Total population:             5291059610
Total percentage:             22099.62 (use only to verify data transport)

(F)     CDIAC's quality assurance checks.

        1) The population divisions of Czechlovakia and the former Socialist
        Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were checked against the 1995 U.N.
        population statistics provided by the U.N. Statistical Office.
        2) The national populations were checked against values published in
        DB1016 (Li, 1996b)
        3) The gridded national fossil-fuel emission summations were checked
        against the values available in NDP-030 (Boden, 1998; Marland et al,
        1997)) (the largest difference is 8 units for the United Kingdom).
        4) The summed national emissions published in NDP030R8 amounted
        to 6172918 units of 1000metric tons C.  The summed gridded national
        estimates presented here amount to 6172869 units of 1000
        metric tons C.  The total difference of 49 units (due to roundoff) is
        less than 0.001%.
        5) Latitudinal summations of the gridded emissions were compared with
        previously published gridded data (NDP-058) and a graph produced
        (lat. gif).

(G)     Instructions on how to obtain the data and documentation.

        This data base (NDP-058A)and the related NDP-058 and NDP-030/R8 are
        available free of charge from CDIAC.  The files are available from
        CDIAC's anonymous FTP (file transfer protocol) area via the Internet.
        Obtaining the data from CDIAC's anonymous FTP area requires a computer
        with FTP software and access to the Internet.  Commands used to obtain
        the data base are shown below. For additional information, contact

        >ftp cdiac.ornl.gov or  >ftp
        Login: anonymous
        Password: YOU@your internetaddress
        Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
        ftp> cd pub/ndp058a/
        ftp> dir
        ftp> mget files
        ftp> quit

        CDIAC's Web site address: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/

        For non-FTP data acquisitions (e.g., IBM- or MacIntosh-formatted floppy
        diskettes), users may request data from
        CDIAC using the following information:

Address: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
         Oak Ridge National Laboratory
         P.O. Box 2008
         Oak Ridge, Tennessee37831-6335, U.S.A.

Telephone:       (865) 574-3645 (Voice)
                (865) 574-2232 (Fax)
Electronic mail: cdiac@ornl.gov

(H)     References:

Andres, R.J., G. Marland, I. Fung, and E. Matthews. 1996a.  A one degree by one
degree distribution of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel consumption
and cement manufacture, 1950-1990.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles10:3:419-429.

Andres, R.J., G. Marland, I. Fung, E. Matthews, and A.L. Brenkert. 1996b.
Geographic patterns of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel burning,
hydraulic cement production, and gas flaring on a one degree by one degree
grid cell basis: 1950 to 1990.  ORNL/CDIAC-97, NDP-058. Carbon Dioxide
Analysis Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

U.S. Department of Interior, 1995.  Annual Review, U.S. Geological Survey,
Gordon P. Eaton, Director. Reston, VA 20192. February, 1997.

Boden, T. A., G. Marland, and R. J. Andres, 1996. Estimates of global, regional,
and national annual CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel burning, hydraulic cement
production, and gas flaring: 1950-1992, Rep. ORNL/CDIAC-90, NDP-030/R6,
600 pp., Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Lerner, J., E. Matthews and I. Fung, 1988. Methane emissions from animals: A
global high-resolution database.  Global Biochemical Cycles, 2:139-156.

Li., Y.-F., A. McMillan, and M. T. Scholtz. 1996a.  Global HCH usage with
1 degrees x 1 degrees longitude/latitude resolution.  Environmental Science &
Technology 30:3525-33.

Li., Y.-F.  1996b. Global Population Distribution (1990),
Terrestrial Area and Country Name Information on a One by One Degree Grid Cell
Basis. ORNL/CDIAC-96, DB1016, Carbon Dioxide Analysis Center, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Marland, G., and R. M. Rotty, 1984. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuels:
A procedure for estimation and results for 1950-1982. Tellus 36(B):232-261.

Marland, G., T. A. Boden, A. L. Brenkert, R.J. Andres, and J.G.J. Olivier.1997.
CO2 from fossil fuel burning: Updates on the magnitude, distribution, and
uncertainty of emission estimates. p. 4 In '97CO2 Extended Abstracts, Fifth
International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

United Nations, 1997. Statistical Yearbook.  United Nations
Statistics Division, United Nations, New York. N.Y. 10017.