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Computes an approximation to the double integral of f(u, v) over a triangle in the
uv-plane by using an n**2 point, generalized Gauss-Legendre product rule of
polynomial degree precision 2*n-2. From: "Computation of Double Integrals over
a Triangle", by F.G. Lether, Algorithm 007, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 2(1976), 219-224.
Classes  :  H2b2a2 . Nonautomatic n-D quadrature on a nonrectangular region,
                   integrand available via user-defined procedure
Type     : Fortran software in JCAM collection.
Access   : Public domain. Portable.
Precision: Single.
Usage    : CALL DTRIA(N, U1, V1, U2, V2, U3, V3, ABSC, WGHT, APROX, F)
Details  : Source
Sites    : (1) ITL

Implementation of DTRIA from JCAM on ITL

ITL:       Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
           Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Single.

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