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Academic Education

1997-2000 CalPoly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
M.S. (Biological Sciences),  Advisor: Dr. S. Elrod
1988-1992 University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
B.A. (Biological Sciences)

Research Interests and Experience

2000 – date, Developing DNA analysis software and designing laboratory microarray tests for the rapid and quantitative detection of microorganisms in complex environmental and medical samples.

Other Interests

  • Wave Sliding
  • Home Construction
  • Offspring Generation
  • Perl Programming Instruction

Professional Appointments

2007 - Present Software Developer, Ecology Department, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2003 – 2007 Principal Research Associate, Microbial Ecology & Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2000-2003 Biomedical Scientist, Biology and Biotechnology Research Program, Biodefense Division, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA
1997-1999  Graduate Research Assistant, Environmental Biotechnology Institute, San Luis Obispo, CA

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. West, K.A., Johnson, D.R., Hu, P., DeSantis, T.Z., Brodie, E.L., Lee, P.K., Feil, H., Andersen, G.L., Zinder, S.H. and Alvarez-Cohen, L. (2008) Comparative Genomics of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes 195 and an Enrichment Culture Containing Unsequenced Dehalococcoides Strains, Appl Environ Microbiol, 74, 3533-3540.

  2. DeSantis, T.Z., Brodie, E.L., Moberg, J.P., Zubieta, I.X., Piceno, Y.M. and Andersen, G.L. (2007) High-density universal 16S rRNA microarray analysis reveals broader diversity than typical clone library when sampling the environment, Microb Ecol, 53, 371-383.

  3. Moissl, C., Osman, S., La Duc, M.T., Dekas, A., Brodie, E., DeSantis, T.Z. and Venkateswaran, K. (2007) Molecular bacterial community analysis of clean rooms where spacecraft are assembled, FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 62, 131.

  4. Flanagan, J.L., Brodie, E.L., Weng, L., Lynch, S.V., Garcia, O., Brown, R., Hugenholtz, P., DeSantis, T.Z., Andersen, G.L., Wiener-Kronish, J.P. and Bristow, J. (2007) Loss of bacterial diversity during antibiotic treatment of intubated patients colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, J Clin Microbiol, 45, 1954-1962.

  5. Dalevi, D., DeSantis, T.Z., Fredslund, J., Andersen, G.L., Markowitz, V.M. and Hugenholtz, P. (2007) Automated group assignment in large phylogenetic trees using GRUNT: GRouping, Ungrouping, Naming Tool, BMC Bioinformatics, 8, 402.

  6. Brodie, E.L., DeSantis, T.Z., Parker, J.P., Zubietta, I.X., Piceno, Y.M. and Andersen, G.L. (2007) Urban aerosols harbor diverse and dynamic bacterial populations, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104, 299-304.

  7. DeSantis, T.Z., Hugenholtz, P., Larsen, N., Rojas, M., Brodie, E.L., Keller, K., Huber, T., Dalevi, D., Hu, P. and Andersen, G.L. (2006) Greengenes, a Chimera-Checked 16S rRNA Gene Database and Workbench Compatible with ARB, Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 5069-5072.

  8. DeSantis, T.Z., Hugenholtz, P., Keller, K., Brodie, E.L., Larsen, N., Piceno, Y.M., Phan, R. and Andersen, G.L. (2006) NAST: a multiple sequence alignment server for comparative analysis of 16S rRNA genes, Nucleic Acids Res, 34, W394-399.

  9. Lin, L.H., Wang, P.L., Rumble, D., Lippmann-Pipke, J., Boice, E., Pratt, L.M., Sherwood Lollar, B., Brodie, E.L., Hazen, T.C., Andersen, G.L., DeSantis, T.Z., Moser, D.P., Kershaw, D. and Onstott, T.C. (2006) Long-term sustainability of a high-energy, low-diversity crustal biome, Science, 314, 479-482.

  10. Brodie, E.L., DeSantis, T.Z., Joyner, D.C., Baek, S.M., Larsen, J.T., Andersen, G.L., Hazen, T.C., Richardson, P.M., Herman, D.J., Tokunaga, T.K., Wan, J.M. and Firestone, M.K. (2006) Application of a High-Density Oligonucleotide Microarray Approach To Study Bacterial Population Dynamics during Uranium Reduction and Reoxidation, Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 6288-6298.

  11. DeSantis, T.Z., Stone, C.E., Murray, S.R., Moberg, J.P. and Andersen, G.L. (2005) Rapid quantification and taxonomic classification of environmental DNA from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic origins using a microarray, FEMS Microbiol Lett, 245, 271-278.

  12. DeSantis, T. Z., Dubosarskiy, I., Murray, S. R., and Andersen, G. L., (2003) Comprehensive aligned sequence construction for automated design of effective probes (CASCADE-P) using 16S rDNA. Bioinformatics 19: 1461-1468

  13. Wilson, K. H., Wilson, W. J., Radosevich, J. L., DeSantis, T. Z., Viswanathan, V. S., Kuczmarski, T. A., and Andersen, G. L. (2002) High density microarray of small subunit ribosomal DNA probes. Appl. Env. Micro. 68: (5) 2535-2541.

  14. Wilson, W. J., Strout, C. L., DeSantis, T. Z., Stilwell, J. L., Carrano, A. V., and Andersen, G. L. (2002) Sequence specific identification of 18 pathogenic microorganisms using microarray technology. Molecular and Cellular Probes 16: (2) 119-127.

  15. Radosevich, J. L., Wilson, W. J., Shinn, J. H., DeSantis, T. Z., and Andersen, G. L. (2002) Development of a high-volume aerosol collection system for the identification of airborne microorganisms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 34: (3) 162-167.

Todd Z. DeSantis

Todd Z. DeSantis
Software Developer

Ecology Department

Phone: 510-761-6720