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“No-Family Boy” Finds Home

Amid’s teary face and trembling voice told a heartbreaking story to USAID-supported Children and Family Support Center (CFSC) staff. During educational activities at the Center, Amid began disclosing his history. His mother never returned to her home after she left him at the Mingechivir orphanage, and his father’s identity had not been disclosed. When asked about his parents, Amid would simply look up with his sad eyes and hang his head.

Amid’s two sisters were cared for by their grandmother. “I miss them very much, I always like seeing them. My biggest dream is to live together with them—a strong and healthy family,” he said. “I believe that day will come.” For Amid, this spark of hope for a brighter future never dimmed.

CFSC staff was eager to try to return Amid to his family. The Center staff met with his grandmother and his two sisters, explaining how important it was for Amid to live with them. After securing their agreement, CFCS helped Amid’s grandmother prepare for his homecoming and counseled his sisters on job choices that would enable them to meet Amid’s needs. With the Center’s guidance, his oldest sister now apprentices at a local hairdresser and his youngest sister takes computer courses.

Surrounded by family and CFSC staff, Amid’s first day home was a celebration. The table was filled with his favorite sweets. Even sweeter were Amid’s words: “I told you that one day my dreams will come true. And now I have the family I dreamed of. From now on, no one will call me the ‘no-family boy’.”

USAID’s Children and Family Support program is implemented by Save the Children.

Children and Family Support Center staff shares Amid's dream of a caring family and helps him to gain new educational and play skills. 'I wish I lived in a family like normal children. I do not want to wait for months for someone to visit me.' Amid
Children and Family Support Center staff shares Amid’s dream of a caring family and helps him to gain new educational and play skills. “I wish I lived in a family like normal children. I do not want to wait for months for someone to visit me.” Amid
Photo Credit: Save the Children

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Wed, 03 Sep 2008 12:00:41 -0500