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Internet Mapping

Internet Map Servers of the Greater Grand Canyon Region

Click on the links below to draw maps within each of the subject areas listed. Help in browsing and querying these data can be obtained by clicking on the ? in the tools menu. The following sites represent examples of Web-enabled Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Data for these sites is contained in an Oracle database and is accessed via Spatial Database Engine (SDE) tools. Many of the features within these sites exemplify the future Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) Information System, currently under development.

To Grand Canyon Base Map - General-use layers within Colorado River Ecosystem
To Lake Powell Base Map - General-use layers for Lake Powell Area
To Fish Sampling Polygons Map - Lees Ferry Reach - Glen Canyon Stratified Random Fish Sampling Polygons
To Fine-grained Integrated Sediment Team (FIST) Map - Fine-grained integrated sediment data collection and analysis within Colorado River Ecosystem

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