US Fish and Wildlife Service, the New Jersey Field Office
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Jersey Field Office, Images in the banner by Gene Nieminen / fws. Click on the US Fish and wildlife service emblem for a link to the home page of the US Fish and Wildlife Service link to the home page web site of the US Fish and Wildlife Service-Washinton, DC

Link to Welcome to the New Jersey Field Office web site, click here for welcome information. Link, click for publications Link, click for njfo news Link, click for contact us Click here this is link tor copyright information of this web site and a form to fax for use of your images. Link, click on permits to be redirected to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Permits web site. Federal Permits done at the NJFO may be read about in the Federal Projects Program area of the NJFO web site.
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Hackensack Meadowlands birds. Photo credit Gene Nieminen / USFWS
Meadowlands View Meadowlands View. A wetlands in the Hackensack Meadowlands. Photograph by Gene Nieminen

Click for the Meadowlands Page

The Hackensack River Watershed, New Jersey/New York: PDF link to 466KB PDF
The Hackensack River Watershed, New Jersey/New York: Wetland Characterization, Preliminary Assessment of Wetland Functions, and Remotely-sensed Assessment of Natural Habitat Integrity
By Ralph W. Tiner and Herbert C. Bergquist
National Wetlands Inventory Program
Ecological Services
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Northeast Region
300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035
September 2007

Impacts of Climate Change
A Power Point Presentation
USGS climate Change Northeast USA. Click on image to link to the US Fish and Wildlife Services FTP download site

Download and save the 30MB Power Point
Please allow time for download
file is 30MB

Impacts of Climate Change
on Hydrologic Regimes:

Implications for the
Northeastern U.S.

Program Directory at the
New Jersey Field Office

Endangered Species

Environmental Contaminants

Federal Activities / Projects

Partners for Fish and Wildlife

Bring Back the Natives

Coastal Program


The Nature of Learning

Migratory Bird FAct Sheet, click to download the PDF, image of the Fact Sheet
Fact sheet on ways to help migratory birds

Web Links:
Your New Jersey community can help migratory birds - web page with actions you can take

Hunting Fact Sheet in Atlantic County, New jersey and state of New Jersey, 172KB PDF download
Information on
Hunting License,
License Agents, &
Duck Hunting In
Atlantic County, NJ
Hunting and Fishing Licenses in New Jersey
  • Sightings of Wildlife
  • Injured Wildlife
  • Sick Wildlife
  • Dead Wildlife





Search the Web Site of the New Jersey Field Office
Search the Web Sites of the Entire U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Site Last Revised
Friday June 27, 2008

Hackensack Lite document link to the 16 page 3 MB PDF. (Cover) Bellmans Creek Marsh  in the northern Meadowlands District, ©Mike Light / The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative
Preliminary Conservation Planning
An Overview of the Comprehensive Document
The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative: Preliminary Conservation Planning (Plan) of March 2007, prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, details human recreational, agricultural, industrial, and scientific activities in the Hackensack Meadowlands and their effect on the Meadowlands ecosystem in some 450 pages. That comprehensive document remains an indispensable resource for understanding ecological issues in the Meadowlands.

This overview summarizes ideas and issues discussed in the original document. It may also serve as a guide to direct the reader to specific areas of interest in the Plan. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hopes that Meadowlands stakeholders as well as the public at large will find this overview useful as an introduction and connection to the issues elaborated in the comprehensive Plan.

Link to Overview of the Comprehensive Document 3MB PDF

Partners for Fish and Wildlife
"Partnership Project with NJ Audubon and Verizon "
Wins Governor's Excellence Award

Poster, click for PDF of poster

Poster ...687KB PDF:

On November 29, 2007, Verizon received the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award for a project they have pursued in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's New Jersey Field Office’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife program and the New Jersey Audubon Society. The Verizon Center, located a mile upstream of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, is restoring 18 acres of uplands and 7 acres of  riparian habitat. Verizon has also publicized the merits of voluntary corporate land stewardship.

Verizon news release...
... .click to be redirected

Ducks Unlimited in
New Jersey

Names Eric Schrading Conservationist
of the Year for 2007
Ducks Unlimited in New Jersey named Eric Schrading the 2007 New Jersey Conservationist of the Year. article...324KB PDF..
duck unlimited heading from newsletter naming eric schrading conservationist of the year in new jersey

Help Make a Home for New Jersey's Fish and Wildlfe
An Article by Brian Marsh
NJ Municipalities Magazine link to article
The NJFO’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife program recently wrote an article for the New Jersey League of Municipalities Magazine. The article highlights how the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can interact with municipalities across the State that want to create wildlife habitat. Many of the 6,500 acres of wetlands, 3,000 miles of grasslands and other uplands, and 50 miles of riparian and in-stream habitat the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program has restored since it’s New Jersey inception in 1991 have come from partnerships with municipalities. article...916KB PDF.

Environmental Education in America
Connecting People with Nature
Issue XIV of Field Notes provides articles and information
on a top priority of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
click here for the page to the
5MB web version
and the
Individual print version pages
Link to the page witht table of contents to downlad individual print qualty pages of the Environmental Education print quality, high quality PDfs of individual pages, image of cover, photo Art Webster USFWS
... download the 5MB web version ... Individual print quality PDFs
Link to pages Table of Contents&1_46&47-printer please note!


The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative: Preliminary Conservation Planning DOCUMENT Prepared by: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide a foundation for enhancement and restoration Cover photo Gene Nieminen USFWS

The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative:
Preliminary Conservation Planning

The Hackensack Meadowlands is the largest brackish estuarine complex in the New York – New Jersey Harbor Estuary and among the largest in the northeastern United States. The Meadowlands supports remarkable biodiversity. .... continued .....

The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative: Preliminary Conservation Planning was prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide a foundation for enhancement and restoration of the Hackensack Meadowlands in Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey and to promote a vision for the Meadowlands. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s vision includes:
(1) a more natural estuarine ecosystem with healthy fish and wildlife resources;
(2) a cleaner environment (progressive reduction in acute and chronic contaminant effects);
(3) diverse wetland and associated communities that sustain local and regional populations of native species, including federal trust fish and wildlife resources; and
(4) public commitment to and diverse social benefits from the Meadowlands. .... continued ....

The Hackensack Meadowlands Initiative:
Preliminary Conservation Planning
Prepared by:
New Jersey Field Office
March 2007

. . .click here to go to the page...


Image, Link, to News Stories at the New Jersey Field Office - archive
Stories in the News at the New Jersey Field Office

As an Ecological Service’s Office, the New Jersey Field Office works to influence government and private activities that affect fish and wildlife resources. In carrying out the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s statutory obligations and mandates, the New Jersey Field Office works through a large community of conservation partnerships; we may lead, support, or act as a catalyst.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages the 100-million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System, which encompasses 545 national wildlife refuges, thousands of small wetlands and other special management areas. It also operates 69 national fish hatcheries, 64 fishery resources offices, 81 ecological services field stations, 14 fish health and technology centers, 133 law enforcement offices, a National Forensics Laboratory and the National Conversation Training Center. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign and Native American tribal governments with their conservation efforts. It also oversees the Federal Assistance program, which distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in excise taxes on fishing and hunting equipment to state fish and wildlife agencies.
Last updated: June 27, 2008

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
New Jersey Field Office
927 North Main Street
Heritage Square, Building D
Pleasantville, New Jersey 08232