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Abstracts of Funded SBIR Projects

The following table includes links to program descriptions and funded project abstracts for each phase of the SBIR program.  Funded SBIR research abstracts prior to 2005 are located in the archived section.

The Current Research Information System (CRIS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research and education projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry. CRIS provides an additional resource for searching specific topics and key words.  To limit your search to SBIR funded projects, select “Small Business Grant (K)” in the Project Type field of the CRIS Assisted Search.

Additional information about the SBIR program is available on the SBIR More Information Page.

Topic Areas
8.1 Forests and Related Resource
8.2 Plant Production and Protection - Biology
8.3 Animal Production and Protection
8.4 Soil and Water Resources
8.5 Food Science and Nutrition
8.6 Rural Development
8.7 Aquaculture

8.8 Biofuels & Biobased Products
(formerly Industrial Applications)

8.9 Marketing and Trade

8.10 Wildlife
(discontinued FY2007)

8.11 Animal Manure Management
8.12 Small and Mid Size Farms  
8.13 Plant Production and Protection - Engineering


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Last Updated: 06/30/2008