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CSCOR Announces Special Sessions of June 2008 ASLO Meeting, Abstracts due by February 28, 2008

Predicting the Interactive Effects of Climate Change and other Ecosystem Stressors on Coastal Communities

Climate change can have a profound effect on coastal and marine environments, and exacerbate impacts of other ecosystem stressors such as those associated with contaminant or nutrient loading. The prevalence and impacts of harmful algal blooms and invasive species are predicted to increase under climate change scenarios. Forecasting how coastal ecosystems adapt to future conditions of rising sea level, and increases in temperature, flooding, and groundwater salinity, complicated by increased rates of coastal eutrophication, will allow for the development of tools for the evaluation of management options and associated tradeoffs. This session will present research on the interactive effects of climate change with other coastal ecosystem stressors, with an emphasis on the development of forecasting models for management application.

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Ecological Forecasting: Moving from Research to Operational Use

This session will focus on challenges and successes in transferring ecological forecasts to operational use.  We invite submissions discussing forecasts that are presently operational, as well as those that are in transition from research to operations.  Presentations that highlight issues such as developing specific plans for research to operations, transition difficulties and solutions, end-user input to forecast development, data assimilation from ongoing observations, and evaluation and communication of uncertainty will be especially welcome.

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