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Jul 15, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 3999 - National Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Inspection Act of 2007

Listed in Alphabetical Order

July 15, 2008 1:15 PM

*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format.


Blunt (MO)


Would require the EPA to remove a boutique fuel from the list published pursuant to the EPAct of 2005 if that fuel ceases to be included in any State implementation plan or if the fuel is functionally identical to a Federal fuel control promulgated and implemented by EPA.  It also would provide the EPA with additional authority to waive from controls and prohibitions on fuels if fuel supply issues result from any unexpected problems with distribution or delivery equipment that is necessary for transportation and delivery of fuel or fuel additives.

Capuano (MA)


Would create a National Tunnel Inspection Program that would establish national tunnel inspection standards and ensure uniformity among the States in the conduct of such inspections.

Childers (MS)


(REVISED)  Would provide that none of the funds may be used to employ workers in violation of section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act

Conaway (TX)/Sutton (OH)/Arcuri (NY)


(REVISED)  Would express that it is the sense of Congress to encourage States that receive Federal funding to develop corrosion mitigation and prevention plans. The plans are encouraged to contain expected useful life of the bridge, details of corrosion mitigation and prevention methods in construction and maintenance of the bridge, certification and approval by a corrosion expert and corrosion training for all bridge inspectors. 

Diaz-Balart, Mario (FL)


(REVISED)  Would consider emergency evacuation routes in the risk-based prioritization for replacement or rehabilitation of deficient bridges.

Flake (AZ)


(REVISED)  Would clarify that the earmarking limitation in the bill as it applies to congressional earmarks uses the definition of “earmark” described in clause 9(d) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives.

Flake (AZ)


Would allow States to obligate funds received from SAFETEA-LU or FY08 Consolidated Appropriations Act to repair or replace structurally-deficient bridges.

Fossella (NY)


(REVISED)  Would allow funds appropriated under this act to be used for traffic mitigation measures that may be necessary during bridge rehabilitation or replacement projects.

Loebsack (IA)


(REVISED)  Would require the Secretary, in consultation with the States to study the risks posed by a “500 year” flood to bridges on Federal-aid highways, bridges on other public roads, and bridges on Indian reservations and park bridges while also giving consideration to safety, serviceability, essentiality for public use, and public safety,  The Secretary would report the results to Congress not later than 2 years after enactment of the legislation.

Mica (FL)


Would require the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study of the Federal Highway Administration’s bridge rating system.  The study shall specifically address the effectiveness of using the terms “structurally deficient” and “functionally obsolete” in describing the condition of the highway bridge inventory in the United States.

Mica (FL)


Would allow states to continue to transfer a portion of their bridge funding to other highway projects if the Secretary recognizes the State has no deficient bridges on the National Highway System, or that the State will spend more on bridges from other sources than Federal bridge funding and the transfer will not affect the States' five-year bridge performance plan.

Miller, Candice (MI)


Would require the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study on the cost benefits of using carbon fiber composite materials in bridge projects instead of traditional construction materials.

Oberstar (MN)


(REVISED)  Would make technical corrections to the amendment in the nature of a substitute.

Pitts (PA)


(REVISED)  Would require the President to open at least three closed military installations for the purpose of siting new refineries and would expedite the refinery application process.

Poe (TX)


Would prohibit Mexico-domiciled motor carriers from operating beyond the US municipalities and commercial zones on the US-Mexico border until the Secretary certifies to Congress that the responsibilities placed on the Secretary and the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation regarding the safety requirements described in section 350 of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002.

Roskam (IL)


Would amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to authorize the Secretary of Energy to enter into loan and profit sharing agreements for qualifying coal-to-liquid projects.

Shays (CT)


(REVISED)  Would request the GAO to conduct a study on factors contributing to bridge construction and rehabilitation delays and ways to expedite construction projects.

Shea-Porter (NH)


(REVISED)  Would allow a state performance plan to provide for increased inspection of a historic bridge rather than rehabilitation or replacement.

Shimkus (IL)


Would enable the Department of Energy to enter into agreements with up to 6 coal liquefaction projects for the purpose of establishing price parameters which will provide the projects with a federal price guarantee.

Thornberry (TX)


(REVISED)  Would create a competitive oil leasing program in parts of Alaska, remove the congressional moratoria on drilling in the outer continental shelf, require the IRS to implement certain refinery provisions from EPAct 2005, allow tax exempt bonds to be used for refinery construction, and make use of federal lands for new refineries.  It also would disallow the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from denying an application for a license, permit, or other authorization under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 on the grounds that sufficient capacity does not exist, provide a tax credit to companies for the cost they endure for paying a mechanical engineer to become Nuclear Stamp Certified, and offer a tax credit for CO2 captured for use in marginal wells for enhanced oil recovery.

Walz (MN)


(REVISED)  Would require the Secretary of Transportation to report to Congress, within 15 days of issuing a critical finding that result in the closure of a bridge, on the economic impact and impact on regional transportation that will result from the bridge closure.  The amendment also requires the Secretary to recommend solutions to mitigate such impacts.