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GAMS Module E04GZF in NAG


Easy-to-use modified Gauss-Newton algorithm for finding an unconstrained
minimum of a sum of squares of m nonlinear functions in n variables (m >= n). First
derivatives are required. It is intended for functions which are continuous and
which have continuous first and second derivatives (although it will usually
work even if the derivatives have occasional discontinuities).
Classes  :  G1b1b . Unconstrained optimization of a smooth multivariate
                  function, user provides first derivatives
Type     : Fortran subroutine in NAG library (E04 sublibrary).
Access   : Proprietary. Many implementations available.
Precision: Double.
Details  : Documentation Example Example-input Example-output
Sites    : (1) AIX (2) ITL

Implementation of E04GZF from NAG on AIX

AIX:       IBM RS6000, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
           Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Double.
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Link         : f77 -o prog prog.f -L/itl/links/generic/lib -lnag
   Documentation: acroread
   Example      : cat
   Example-input: cat
   Example-outpu: cat

Implementation of E04GZF from NAG on ITL

ITL:       Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
           Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Double.
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Link         : f77 -o prog prog.f {-lcomplib.sgimath}
                  -L/itl/links/generic/{lib lib32 lib64}{/mips3 /mips4}
   Documentation: acroread
   Example      : cat
   Example-input: cat
   Example-outpu: cat

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GAMS is a service of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division of the Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

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