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USAID/Caucasus Regional
Mission Director: Robert Wilson

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-7060
Tel: 995-32-938-950
Fax: 995-32-001013


Georgia is an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism and a gateway for energy resources from the region to Europe and beyond. Since the Rose Revolution of 2003, the Georgian government has carried out a number of democratic and economic reforms aimed at raising the living standards of its citizens. With the support of the U.S., other members of the international community, and the commitment of Georgia’s leadership and people, Georgia can become a vibrant, free-market, and stable democracy. Towards this aim, the USAID program in Georgia focuses on good governance and the rule of law, economic growth and energy security, health, and education.

Georgia in Action

Avtandil Cholokava (right), head of the Kabali hydropower station, gives USAID Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Ken Yamashita (left) a tour of the plant. Through USAID assistance, the plant has tripled its electrical generation capacity--enough to power 3,000 households.Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator Inaugurates New USAID/Georgia Headquarters

Celebrating 15 years of partnership with the Georgian people, USAID launched the opening of its new building on the embassy compound on July 23rd... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Beneficiary of a USAID portable guaranateeGeorgia’s SMEs Grow with Increased Access to Financing

“We welcome all of those on holiday to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of Bakuriani at our guesthouse,” says Manana Janidze, greeting a visitor at the entrance of the newly upgraded and renovated Hotel X... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Nugzar Tateshvili conducts a training course at the Youth Educational Center in Akhaltsikhe, GeorgiaInnovative Training Helps Entrepreneurship Flourish

Nugzar Tateshvili, the founder and acting chairman of the Akhaltsikhe Center for Social Development in Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia, recently launched a new training course to support business education in his region... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Education

Karlo Amirgulashvili talks to journalists about his U.S. experience and the conference he organizedExchange Spurs Environmental Health Activism in Georgia

USAID’s Community Connections (CC) program alumnus Karlo Amirgulashvili, head of the Georgian Nature Lovers Society, credits his three-week CC visit to Ohio with helping him understand the importance of raising community awareness... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

Over 20 amateur and professional photographers took part in the contest, capturing the beauty of Armenia's waters on filmPhoto Exhibition Draws Attention to South Caucasus Water Issues

The “Water Without Borders” photo contest, held in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, was recently organized by the USAID South Caucasus Water Program and Eurasia Partnership Foundation to draw public attention to transboundary water issues... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

The renovation of the Kutaisi branch of the National Bank of Georgia is just one of the ongoing projects implemented by Tegika Universal Ltd.Consulting Support Yields Fast Growth for Construction Firm

Today, Tegika Universal, Ltd. is one of the most successful construction companies in Kutaisi, Georgia. Just a year ago, however, it had faced its share of challenges... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Civil Registry Agency Head Giorgi Vashadze welcomes Acting President Nino Burjanadze and U.S. Ambassador John Tefft to the new Civil Registry headquarters.Civil Registry Gains Momentum in Georgia

The Civil Registry Agency (CRA) provides Georgian citizens with essential documents such as passports, birth certificates, and national identification cards. USAID support to the CRA—through its Civil Registry Reform II activity... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Institutional Reform

Professional training enables students to gain employment as specialized business consultants in Georgia's growing economyProgram Matches Student Ambition with Market Realities

“The project developed by the students was impeccable! It encompassed all aspects of a business plan including marketing strategy, consumer analysis, operations planning, and the financial status of the company”... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Education

Adjara's warm and humid subtropical climate enables local raspberry farmers, like Beglar Mikeladze, to achieve robust harvests twice a year.Small Business Services Help Launch Raspberry Farm

Musician Beglar Mikeladze didn’t set out to build a business when he planted his first raspberry plants in Adlia, Georgia. “At first I started to grow raspberries just to meet some family needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

U.S. Ambassador John F. Tefft and USAID/Caucasus Mission Director Robert Wilson observed preparation for the first large-scale export of Georgian wines to the U.S.Georgian Wines Arrive in U.S. Supermarkets in April

When Russia imposed an embargo on the import of Georgian wines in March 2006, the country lost its traditional and most important export market, where roughly 89 percent of Georgian wines exported were sold... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

The GTG had an incredibly successful market, selling over $12,000 in retail sales and receiving $3,000 worth of wholesale orders from prominent retail stores in the United States, including the world-renowned Chicago Field MuseumExpanding International Markets for Georgian Artisans

Last summer, the Georgia Textile Group (GTG) participated in the 4th Annual Santa Fe International Folk Art Market with support from the Crafts Center at the USAID–funded Georgia Employment and Infrastructure Initiative (GEII) and the Ramsay Merriam Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

More than 800 visitors tasted Georgian food and learned about Guria's tourism potentialGuria Farmers Establish Links with Lithuanian Businesses

USAID works with farmers and farming communities throughout Georgia to identify alternative export markets and establish business-to-business linkages... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Tea plantations in Guria rehabilitated through USAID assistance have helped local farmers move beyond subsistence farmingGeorgian Farmers Combine Efforts to Generate Viable Incomes

“In strength there is unity.” Koba Tsertsvadze, a 41-year-old farmer from the village of Tkhinvali in Guria addressed visitors with these words as he and other farmers fenced plots of land on a tea plantation in his village... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Biomonitoring provides people with 'the possibility to get the real picture of river pollution,' said workshop participant Dr. Susanna Hakobyan, a senior research fellow at Armenia’s Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology of the National Academy of SciencesHarmonizing Water Quality Monitoring in the South Caucasus

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program is facilitating the harmonization of water-quantity and water-quality monitoring capabilities among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Mother and four children of Kandavadze familySocial Services Help Georgia’s Vulnerable Families

The Kandavadze family was once in dire need of money and forced to sell their big apartment in Tbilisi and move to Rustavi... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Social Programs

Editorial board and volunteers for the newspaper Meskheti ExpressYouth Volunteers Help Spread News on Women’s Issues

Marina Modebadze, Chair of the Society of Women Democrats and 2006 Community Connections alumnae, has long been concerned about the lack of women’s involvement in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region’s politics and society... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Social Programs

Gogi Gogitidze stands in front of his renovated hotel and the new summer garden bar which he opened after his professional exchangeExchange Provides Hotelier with Knowledge to Expand

Gogi Gogitidze, the owner of a small hotel in the seaside town of Kobuleti, Georgia credits USAID’s Community Connections (CC) Exchange Program with increasing the scope of his business... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Every day, NAPR receives about 3000 applications for property registration; 30 percent of applicants prefer to use the services of private companiesPublic, Businesses Profit from Public Registry Reforms

Giorgi Goglidze was skeptical when he heard a public service announcement on television saying that he could call the Information Center of the National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) from the comfort of his home... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Institutional Reform

The concept of internships, a rite of passage for most Western college students, is new to Georgian gradsProgram Places College Grads with Prospective Employers

Every morning Khatia Jambazishvili hurries to her new job. She is one of 35 young people who received permanent jobs after participating in Georgia’s Youth National Internship Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Education

People learn about 'apostilles' from an information board posted at the Georgian Ministry of Labor, Health and Social AffairsGeorgia Eases Restrictions on Foreign Documents

“Just use it!” responded an official from the Georgian Ministry of Justice when Vakhtang Zaalishvili, legal advisor to a British company, asked what to do with a document that had been notarized in Great Britain... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Rule of Law

Georgia showcased its products at a thriving specialty food marketplace - the 53rd Annual Fancy Food Show in New YorkGeorgian Delicacies Debut at 2007 Fancy Food Show

Until now, American consumers may have known little about Georgia, and less about the country’s foods and wines. Yet Georgian exporters are hopeful that the U.S. market—where consumers are interested in exploring new products... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

USAID funds bring new life to a city's most popular place and boost the local economyGeorgian City Market Brought Back to Life

On June 1, the Ninotsminda farmers’ market opened for business for the first time in fifteen years. The local community, USAID, the Governor’s office and implementer the Urban Institute (UI) participated in the opening ceremony... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

Poti's mission developed by the city's community-based advisory group is to 'provide sea/land and tourism services for the world'Participatory Planning Improves Community Quality of Life

For the first time in 15 years, the citizens of Poti, the third largest city in Georgia, can look forward to having a reliable supply of water—the end result of a participatory planning process that began five years ago... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

The U.S. delegation visits alumnus Nugzar Tateshvili's NGO in AkhaltsikheU.S. Host Delegation Pays Reciprocal Visit to Georgia

The cross-cultural ties that USAID’s Community Connections (CC) program creates were demonstrated in late June when a delegation from the Center for International Understanding (CIU) paid a visit to Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

The opening of two new cheese plants marks the industrialization of cheese production in Georgia and gives hope to farmers in the Javakheti regionGeorgia Celebrates Start of Industrial Cheese Production

The opening of two modern cheese plants in the adjacent villages of Orlovka and Spasovka on June 21 turned into a real celebration for farmers in Georgia’s Javakheti region. For them, the event not only marks the first successful attempt... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Preparing abstracts from the old paper-based business registry archives created inefficiencies for entrepreneurs and Revenue Service officialsRevenue Service Posts Georgia Business Registry Online

Thea Shonia, a start-up businesswoman, is helping to save Georgians an estimated 126,000 trips a month to their local tax inspectorates to obtain business registry abstracts... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Institutional Reform

USAID's AgVANTAGE project assists farmers throughout Georgia to increase their yields and take advantage of market opportunities for new varieties and off-season vegetables.Georgian Vegetable Growers Cultivate Profits

David Ebanoidze estimates his income has grown by about 60 percent since he first met with the USAID-supported AgVANTAGE project. With assistance from AgVANTAGE, his farm near the town of Marneuli has undergone radical changes... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

'This playground will make us into champions!' exclaims Gocha Konjaria, 12, about the new recreational facility which replaced a blighted lot in ZugdidiPermit Reforms Give Entrepreneur, Community Reason to Cheer

A modern children’s playground is replacing the ugly garages and old, dirty trash containers that used to fill a large yard across from the Zugdidi Railway Station in Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Institutional Reform

The TBC bank call center that Community Connection alumna Nino Gachechiladze createdInternship Leads to Better Service in Georgia’s Banking Sector

Clients of TBC Bank in Georgia now have better access to information thanks to Nino Gachechiladze’s participation in the USAID’s Community Connections (CC) Business program... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

AgVANTAGE stakeholder planting blueberries in his newly established berry orchardGeorgia Finds Alternate Use for Abandoned Tea Land

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia inherited over 62,000 hectares of unused tea land, the majority of which remains abandoned and overgrown... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

State veterinarians practicing the proper donning of Personal Protection EquipmentGeorgia Focuses on Preventing Avian Influenza Outbreak

A year has passed since the first case of avian influenza was reported in Georgia. At that time, the country did not have a national plan of action, or the capacity to properly contain the virus and take prompt action to avert further spread... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Health

Local entrepreneurs decided to rehabilitate an old mini-cheese factory in their Georgian communityMini-Cheese Factory Becomes A Model Enterprise

Patara Khanchali is a small, mountainous village in the district of Ninotsminda, Samtskhe-Javakheti region, situated on the bank of Lake Khanchali. Cattle breeding and potato growing comprise the main agricultural activities undertaken by the community residents... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Georgia's first premium green tea processing mini-factory was opened in Ternali village in the Imereti regionPremium Green Tea to Debut in Georgia, Export Markets

Due to Georgia’s subtropical climate, local tea has a special taste and characteristics. During the Soviet period, tea was one of the major crops grown in the Imereti region and large quantities were exported to the Soviet Union... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Reporters from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia learned about regional water issues and received hands-on trainingSouth Caucasus Water Issues Receive Growing Media Interest

Water does not recognize political boundaries, a fact for the South Caucasus region, where the countries are tightly linked geopolitically, historically, culturally, and economically... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

(From right) Head of Armenian State Hydromet, Mr. Vardanyan and deputy heads of Azerbaijani and Georgian hydromets, Messrs. Khalilov and Chitanava, discuss the text of the joint statementSouth Caucasus Leaders Commit to Regional Water Cooperation

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program recently organized a workshop dedicated to the monitoring and forecasting of water resources in the South Caucasus. Harmonizing monitoring procedures and facilitating data exchange... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

Georgian IT experts visit the North Carolina Technology Association in North Carolina's Research Triangle ParkGeorgia’s IT Experts Get ‘Networked’

Alumni of a USAID training exchange recently established the Information Technology Association of Georgia—the first of its kind—to support Georgia’s burgeoning Information Technology (IT) industry... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Institutional Reform

American apple expert Paul Vossen demonstrates modern pruning methods to Georgian and Ossetian farmers in an orchard near the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict zonePeace Building in an Apple Orchard

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Georgia has experienced two ethnic conflicts over territory. Both have been “frozen” for over a decade and remain unresolved. In the case of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, which was fought from 1991-1992... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Grant, loan, equity and community investments totaling $5 million are developing nine small hydro facilities in rural GeorgiaPromoting Private Sector Investment in Georgia Hydropower

Generation from renewable resources contributes to Georgia’s energy independence and security. Small hydro power plant (SHP) potential is estimated to range between 300 and 500 megawatts, on par with many of Georgia’s largest power assets... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Young capitalists, such as Levan Alavidze (left), are the foundation for Georgia's future democratic development says USAID's Menarchik (right)Menarchik Visits Caucasus For First Overseas Mission

In February, USAID Acting Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia Doug Menarchik embarked on his first visit to the field, traveling to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan to meet with government representatives... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Georgia

President Mikheil Saakashvili opened greens modern consolidation/pack housesSaakashvili Says Greens Packaging Is Georgia’s Business Card

Fresh herbs are one of the major export crops grown in Western Georgia, and constitute the primary source of income for some 7,000 families. Prior to the Russian Embargo on Georgian agricultural products... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

'I hope I will be cooking my New Year meals on a decent stove, not on this portable one,' says a housewife who will soon be served by a new gas pipelineVillagers Warm to Customs Reforms

Businessman Bacho Dolidze is turning post-Rose Revolution policy reforms into results on the ground in Georgia. Since 2003, his company, the Consulting Group of Caucasus, has been laying new gas pipelines and repairing old ones... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Posters urge citizens to 'Check Yourself on the List' and meet eligibility deadlines in order to vote in the October 5 local electionsGetting Out the Vote in Georgia

The government of Georgia announced that local elections, originally expected for November, would be held on October 5. Two Eurasia Foundation grantees are quickly responding to assist in making the election as smoothly as possible... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

The 2006 Parliamentary interns pose with U.S. Ambassador John Tefft (back center), Parliamentary Strengthening Manager Jim Hart and NDI Country Representative Mike Kelleher (back right) at the July graduation ceremonyYouth Energizes Georgian Parliament

For the past ten months, eleven young Georgians and the Parliament of Georgia have become inseparable. These young people are interns in the Georgian Parliament... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

USAID funded the renovation of Georgia’s first shelter for trafficking victims - BeforeYoung Lawyers, Gov’t Team Up to Aid Trafficking Victims

In April 2006, President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili signed the new Law on Fight against Human Trafficking, which introduced new approaches on trafficking in persons... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Social Programs

'Our aim is to serve investors,' Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili told reporters covering the May 25 opening of the new business information centerGeorgia Opens for Business

When American investor Matt Bartelsian shared his plans to open a new juice factory overseas, a colleague urged him to contact the Georgian government’s new business information center... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Abasha resident Shota Shalamberidze (center) has no problem sharing electricity with his village neighborsCommunal Meters Bring Light to Rural Georgia

Georgia’s infamous electricity shortages have affected rural areas the worst. Routine power rationing and blackouts often lead to rural Georgians going weeks without electricity... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Eter Tsitskashvili, a housewife and grandmother from Rustavi, enjoys a regular supply of electricityRemetering Transforms Life, Attitudes in Georgian City

Rustavi is a desolate city about 30 kilometers east of Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi. When the Soviet Union collapsed, so too did Rustavi’s many factories, which once provided reliable employment for the city’s residents... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Awards signGeorgian Energy Project Wins Prestigious International Award

USAID’s work with the government of Georgia to transform the largest Georgian state-owned energy utility from a corrupt, inefficient operation into a trusted, well-functioning company... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Dr. H. Kenneth Walker of Emory University in Atlanta, GeorgiaUSAID Honors Atlanta, Tbilisi Partners with Outstanding Citizen Citation

On April 19, 2006, USAID honored H. Kenneth Walker, M.D. of Emory University with its Outstanding Citizen Achievement Citation at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Health

Municipal leaders gathered to learn best practices for the delivery of a broad range of social servicesLocal Governance Training Program Started in the North Caucasus

On December 9, USAID-funded think tank, Institute for Urban Economics, completed the first of three USAID-funded training workshops for local government officials from the North Caucasus.... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Georgia’s Citizens Take the Lead in Planning Their Communities’ Future

Like other Georgian cities, Poti suffers from high unemployment and poor access to basic utilities, such as electricity and water. In 2003, USAID’s local governance program, implemented... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

Youth Activities Inspire Bright Futures for Georgia’s Young Adults

In 2003, a young high school student living with his parents and sister in an economically depressed Georgian city about 50 kilometers outside of the capital... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Social Programs

USAID Helps Georgian State TV Create Security Net For Excessed Workers

In 2004, the Georgian State TV Company was forced to dramatically downsize their work force, laying off about half of their employees. In a country already suffering from high unemployment... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Labor Markets

More than 350 families in affected villages, like Phari, received supplies of food and medicineUSAID Delivers Flood Relief to Western Georgia

This spring was marred by severe rainfall in the high mountainous regions of western Georgia. The resulting floods and landslides damaged houses, roads, bridges... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

Puppets Tolerance for Tots: USAID Funds Regional TV Program for Kids in the Caucasus

On January 29, 2005, the USAID-funded Children’s Tolerance Education project (CTEP) began broadcasting an innovative new television program for children in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Social Programs

Examining Mushrooms Leasing Sows Seeds of Prosperity for Georgian Agriculture

It’s wild mushroom season in the mountains near Sachkere, Georgia and every day villagers of all ages fan out into the cool forests to collect succulent porcinis and chanterelles... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Business Development

Graduate StudentsUSAID Helps To Establish Top Business School in Former Soviet Union

Georgia’s economic transition from a centrally planned economy to one that is market oriented has been a painful process. After an initial collapse the economy has been slow to rebuild... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Education

People Meters help Georgia develop TV ratings system AGB Nielsen Media Research to Invest $600,000 into Georgia’s TV Ratings System

The major U.S. provider of television marketing and consumer information recently committed to invest $600,000 to upgrade the television ratings system in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Brock Bierman and Tamara LebanidzeMicrofinance Brings Hope to Ethnically-Diverse Regions in Georgia

Brock Bierman, Chief of Staff for USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureau, and Jim Watson, Caucasus Team Leader within USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureau, joined residents of Akhaltsikhe, in the Republic of Georgia on May 20 in marking a day of new opportunity. On this day, a leading indigenous microfinance institution, the Constanta Foundation, opened the doors of its new branch office, offering shoemakers, hairdressers, bakers, traders, and other managers of local small businesses their first real chance to take out loans to improve their businesses and their livelihoods. Read More ...

Two millionth  land title presented to Rusudan Pavliashvili in Akhalgori, GeorgiaLand Title Reform - Akhalgori, Georgia

For Rusudan Pavliashvili, it was going to be a big day. She stood with scores of her neighbors in the shade of the tall poplar trees sheltering from the hot July sun. They waited quietly, almost reverently in front of the run-down municipal building for what promised to be a truly memorable event. Today, the land that Stalin and the Bolsheviks had taken away decades earlier, was about to be given back to her by the Government of Georgia. Read more ...

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Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:30:08 -0500