Bill Status, Text, Committee Reports, and Testimony

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1. SB1961_CD1_.htm    SB1961 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Bail Agents; Regulation � Description: Establishes grounds for the denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of a bail agent's insurance producer's license.� Establishes fiduciary responsibilities for bail agents.� Prohibits an attorney who is a bail agent from representing a person to whom the attorney has furnished bail
Filesize: 17329
Electronic File Date: 4/24/2008 3:04:46 PM

2. SB1961_HD1_.htm    SB1961 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Bail Bond Agents; Sureties; Licensing; Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Attorney General � Description: Establishes a new part under Chapter 804, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), to provide comprehensive oversight and regulation of bail bond agents.� Establishes procedures for the exoneration of bail bond agents and
Filesize: 51608
Electronic File Date: 4/3/2008 7:05:24 PM

3. SB1961_SD1_.htm    SB1961 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Bail Bond Agents; Sureties; Licensing; Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Attorney General � Description: Creates a licensing requirement for bail bond agents.� Requires the director of commerce and consumer affairs to adopt rules for the process and procedure of obtaining a bail bond agent license.� Prohibits certain
Filesize: 56191
Electronic File Date: 3/1/2007 11:20:16 PM

4. SB1961_.htm    SB1961 Status   
Context:  Report Title: Bail Bonds; Licensing; Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Attorney General � Description: Creates a licensing requirement for bail bonding agents.� Requires the director of commerce and consumer affairs to adopt rules for the process and procedure of obtaining a bail bonding agent license.� Prohibits certain acts by bail bonding agents.� Provides for civil and criminal
Filesize: 37850
Electronic File Date: 1/24/2007 8:03:12 PM

Bill Status files are shown as:
BillNo_Status, for example, HB1_Status
Bill Text files are shown as:
BillNo_DraftNo_.htm, for example, HB1_SD1_.htm
Committee Reports are shown as:
BillNo_DraftNo_CommRptNo_.htm, for example, HB1_SD1_SSCR1000_.htm