Arts and Culture.

A world-class arts museum on the East Bank, a hub for dance, theater, and music on the West Bank, a floating theater in St. Paul on the Mississippi River... Arts and culture take the stage at the University of Minnesota.

Each year about 150,000 people walk through the doors of the Frank Gehry- designed Weisman Art Museum, and more than 160,000 people visit the West Bank Arts Quarter for events, such as the School of Music’s free faculty and student concerts and recitals. In the summer, the Minnesota Centennial Showboat, with its melodramas a la 19th century, typically draws about 15,000 people.

And if that wasn’t enough, the University of Minnesota also has one of the country's largest public art programs—with more than three-dozen inventive pieces scattered across the Twin Cities campus.

letter a.Art to Z

Look for the return of the U's Art to Z program in February with its beautiful and enigmatic poster. Each letter of the alphabet highlights an arts or culture event, giving 26 examples of the rich offerings on the Twin Cities campus.