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Reverse communication version of PORT's N2G. Minimize a twice-continuously
differentiable nonlinear sum of squares using user-supplied residual values
and their derivatives. Uses variant of Newton's method where Hessian is part
exact and part approximated by a secant update. A model/trust-region approach
and adaptive Hessian are used to aid convergence from poor starting values.
Classes  :  K1b1a2 . Unconstrained nonlinear least squares approximation by
                   smooth functions, user provides first derivatives
Type     : Fortran subroutine in PORT library (NL3OPT sublibrary).
Access   : Proprietary. Many implementations available.
Precision: Double.
Usage    : CALL DRN2G (D, DR, IV, LIV, LV, N, ND, N1, N2, P, R, RD, V, X)
Details  : Fullsource Source
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of DRN2G from PORT on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Double. (Single: RN2G)
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Source       : Available by anonymous ftp from netlib in the port
   Fullsource   : Available by http from netlib in the port subdirectory

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